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    “Tesla’s board should place him on leave for a month or two.”

    nope, first thing I changed was B to dash A to jump.  Jumping with B?  What kind of crazy backwards world is this?

    check out Strange New Worlds if you haven’t already.  It’s quite good

    just click on “list slides” right above the “Next slide” arrow

    time for more layoffs, profit is only 8% higher than last year

    that’s grease, not bird

    >the need to stretch a premise across a season long arc.

    what router and modem did you end up going with?

    yeah - guns for everyone. Except if they’re in video games, those need to be banned

    a couple things everybody should already know, but in case they don’t. Enable 2 factor authentication. Every email that paypal sends you will have your full name (not that having your full name means it’s automatically a legit email - but by not including your name in the email that should be a HUGE red flag)

    what’s hilarious is they specifically mention online gaming as one of the activities in the highest tier.


    these people were “off-network” i.e. roaming for a significant chunk of their data. I know several angry people who are affected.

    statewide fiber like Tennessee does in some of its cities

    it means someone doesn’t know the correct abbreviation for et cetera

    now to delete all these from my recently viewed products before my wife thinks I’ve lost my noodles

    to avoid the Walmart experience

    yes, that’s why I’m happy to buy from Amazon

    so did everyone else who finished 3rd grade

    most recent and ad blocking work awesome. It does a lot of other things too, but that’s worth it right there.