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    Be careful with assuming because you have 3 outputs on your videocard that you can support triple monitors. I have onboard video with VGA, HDMI and DVI outputs and I can only run 2 at once. I have 2 monitors hooked up to the VGA and DVI and then a tv to the HDMI so I rarely NEED all 3 at once, but if I would've

    not all posts. most of the time they're fine - it's just when they repost the political stuff, so just blocking the political stuff one at a time has done a pretty good job

    This is no different from waht people already do. I have a few friends who love posting political stuff, most of it not true, but good luck telling them that. I don't want to unfriend them or even necessarily unfollow them, so the easiest is just to hide all posts from "xyz random political wacko"

    that is a handy feature. thanks for the headsup

    " The best characters were Worf, Martok, and Damar."

    Not sure about NYT, WSJ etc, but my hometown paper uses cookies to keep track of how many articles you've viewed before you've used up your free ones. I got tired of having to open a incognito window every time I wanted to read an article about what was going on back home. I found "edit this cookie" extension for

    I weep that I have but 1 star to give you for that comment. Well said.

    and what's left after you do that - 1,048,576 blank rows by 16,384 blank columns. I was joking around, but I guess you could select the entire sheet and then hide all the columns and rows

    The real trick is to delete all the blank rows below your data and all the blank columns to the right of your data. That's some Excel Ninja Kung-Fu there LMAO

    oh man, we had a gold '82 Chevy Citation hatchback when I was a kid. Thing ran for a long time (too long if you ask me). It had some weird quirks that I haven't seen since - the AM only radio was vertical and it was a 4-speed manual but to put it in reverse you had to push the button in on the top of the shifter and

    I can tell you one instance where in-store pickup is not faster than shopping in the store: Walmart, every single time. If you thought the checkout experience was abysmally slow, imagine if you had to hit a touchscreen to summon a cashier and 10 minutes later someone shows up, then you get to wait again while they

    don't let your parents co-sign your student loans, unless you hate them of course

    I guess I don't understand how having an account at a different bank is going to help. Is it so it's slightly more inconvenient to get at and makes you less likely to withdraw impulsively?

    none of those devices can decode h265 natively. Right now, a PC is going to be involved to watch them, whether it's playing directly to a tv from an HTPC or regular PC or transcoded into something else that rokus or wdtv live hubs can understand.

    it's very awesome. Of course you need more horsepower to decode it, which leaves out our rokus, apple tvs and wdtv lives, but if you've got an htpc with a fairly modern CPU you should be good to go.

    h265 is awesome. Typical 720p hour long (42 minutes) tv show runs around 700-1.5GB. I've seen h265 versions down around 100-200MB crazy awesome.

    60 miles is quite a distance for anything other than a roof-top yagi type antenna. If you find anything else that does the trick, I'd love to hear about it because I'm in the same boat.

    60 miles is quite a distance for anything other than a roof-top yagi type antenna. If you find anything else that

    Staples even puts out a document where they spell the name of the town that one of their stores is in wrong SMH

    This might sound overly extravagant, but if you have the storage space - get both. Depending on where you live you may not get giant blizzards on a regular basis, but you might get enough that you don't want to have to shovel it every time. You can use the little one for the typical 1-3" and if you have a big storm