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    maybe we're just looking at it wrong, after all 10 is 9 in base 9

    a family member has a citi mortgage and they (citi) are always screwing something up. Every year he has to send in another copy of paperwork "they can't seem to locate". The thing is, it wasn't a citi mortgage when he signed up, citi bought/merged with whomever the original loan originator was. How do you stop one

    $1200 for a soundbar w/ no HDMI input? no thanks

    $1200 for a soundbar w/ no HDMI input? no thanks

    and if you ever get nostalgic for what websites used to look like in 1995, rock auto is the place to visit. They seem to have a lot of stuff, but their website makes me laugh/cry a little each time.

    I just finished building a machine for my mother-in-law. The best advice I can give anyone on a new build - put an SSD in it. Period. I used a Samsung 840 250GB in. Starts up in less than 5 seconds. The monitor is barely finished waking up before the PC is ready to use.

    or you could use the Sheldon Cooper methodology, Mondays are Chinese, Tuesdays are pizza or whatever the case may be.

    that idea is so full of win.

    which makes me wonder - why don't other companies adopt a canon or nikon mount?

    ugghh, don't use that stuff on screens though. It leaves a film

    does anyone know of a wireless mechanical keyboard?

    does anyone know of a wireless mechanical keyboard?

    It's common sense to refer to something by a measurement when it's not that measurement? What other building materials is this done with? They don't make 4x8 sheets of plywood that are 3 1/2 x 7 1/2 feet or 3 inch pvc pipe that's actually 2 inches.

    2x4s are 1 1/2 by 3 1/2 inches - how does that make sense. Who gives a flying hoot what size they were before they dried. Am I using them before they dry? That's like calling them 14s because that's the diameter of the tree they came from.

    having the SS# in the death index is a great tool to prevent fraud, except that banks and even the IRS are too lazy to check it. Think about it like this - it's a list of invalid Social Security numbers. The people with those numbers are dead, so there is NO reason for that number to show up in a credit or mortgage

    love mitchell and webb, checkout the caveman murder investigation sketch too if you haven't seen it (no relation to the moon landing stuff, just a funny sketch)

    that thing barely qualifies as a sofa, how tall are those back cushions? Probably about 8-10 inches above the seating cushions. It looks comfortable for laying down in or if your torso comprises 5% of your total height, but otherwise it might as well be a giant ottoman.

    If they sold the widgets online, they should be the same price, but if there's retail space that needs to be purchased or rented, the higher prices in denser areas would probably factor into the price.

    This is what I've often thought too. If I live in NYC or Silicon Valley and make a higher wage, that blu ray I order from Amazon costs me the same as someone living in rural Mississippi. I guess it depends on how much you have left over after paying the higher rent/gas prices etc.. in the big cities.

    Best Buy used to be longer - 30 days I thought. I've used it a few times, once on a WD My Book Live and once on a Panasonic TV. In spite of some of the bad things we read about them, they were very pleasant and happy to do it both times (at 2 different stores)

    what the heck is a DD TCOO car?

    now if lifehacker could just figure out how to turn off the "work from home" spam