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    Love Start 8, best $5.29 I've spent in a long time.

    I didn't even realize A+ expires. I got mine back in 2001 and it hasn't helped me one bit. Has anyone actually opened any doors with an A+ cert?

    the easiest way to get them to cancel your cable, is just tell them you are moving. Do a few minutes of research ahead of time and find XYZ area that they don't service (shouldn't be too hard), and then if they give you ANY hassle at all, just tell them you're moving to XYZ and that will shut them up - works every

    minimum wage $5 an hour? What time zone is Dubai in - 1993?

    but we can share the comment to our personal blog. That's way more useful than being able to flag spam. I guess we should be thankful that it's slightly less stupid than that goofy 2-column layout they had before.

    maybe they could have a dollar menu section and have a bunch of things in there that cost 5 or 12 or 18 dollars. If it works for dollar stores, why not? Unless dollar stores are just telling us that the prices are denominated in dollars rather than euros, yen, or rubles

    Chat arrgghh. Has anyone had a situation where they've had a helpful chat experience with AT&T?

    right, like if I invent something called Compact Application Framework Enhancement. CAFE - and it's pronounced like Safe, because I said so.

    no computer format uses JIF, Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches use JIF.

    if only I had more stars to give you sir.

    we already have something pronounced like JIF it's also spelled like JIF There's no good reason that GIF should be pronounced as JIF.

    like Gigabyte?

    if they would've used something with a black finish or black-brown finish it would've looked a lot better. Still IKEA, but more like a regular piece of furniture at first glance.

    IR will go through speaker cloth too

    the great thing about speaker fabric besides the clean look is that IR signals pass through it. In other words all your remotes will work just fine to control everything hidden behind the cloth.

    What does a PC repair business in Massachusetts have to do with a skyscraper in NYC?

    we have Costco in the states too

    and how long will it take to move 128GB of files? On my pedestrian 12Mbps connection it's over 27 hours. Even with a very fast 100Mbps cable connection it's almost 3 hours.

    if you are in some type of IT support role, formally or not - these books can be very useful. They can be expensive too, so this is a big money saver.

    I guess I have to think of it like a computer case, a good one can be used over and over again, no matter how many upgrade cycles you go through

    I guess I have to think of it like a computer case, a good one can be used over and over again, no matter how many