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    oh man, that takes me back. All you need is one of these next to it and you're good to go

    oh man, that takes me back. All you need is one of these next to it and you're good to go

    they look really nice, that's for sure. Something feels wrong about putting an $800 tv on top of a 2 or 3 thousand dollar entertainment center though.

    they look really nice, that's for sure. Something feels wrong about putting an $800 tv on top of a 2 or 3 thousand

    that's a nice looking free-standing one.

    seeing some of these pics makes me think of an idea for the Capita legs. I have one on the wall next to my desk and have my headphones, but the mounting screws really take away from the look. There needs to be a brushed metal plate that covers up the screws and is held in place by the pressure from the leg being

    that is strange, are there a lot of left-handed people from the isle of man

    ^this, my wife says I spend more time driving the google car than I do the actual vehicle. I find it helps a lot in urban areas to figure out what lane you have to be in to make your next maneuver. That's probably the most challenging part of urban driving.

    for $360, it better

    for $360, it better

    dual 3.5" floppys - that takes me back. I'd love a keyboard like that though.

    Any page that uses an overlay like this to block content will almost certainly refuse to load with javascript disabled.

    This is a terrible idea, unless you live really close to the airport or want to foot the bill to stay in an airport hotel. I'd rather suffer through an hour or two delay and get up at a reasonable time.

    I don't care how much gas it uses, I'm running the A/C. If I want to save money on gas and swelter, I'll walk.

    Yeah, it seems from my brief research. a 486DX would struggle to PLAY an MP3. It would probably just shut off if you tried to play a video lol

    I love mine, for about the same price as a Roku it can do so much more, especially if local content is important to you.

    all of the pros you listed are absolutely true, but the reason HDMI is the standard is because of the ability to encrypt content via HDCP. Movie and Television studios don't care about how many cables you have strung to your TV. They do care about trying to prevent you from easily copying content though.

    If only I had more stars to give you

    how long have you been working at DriveHQ?

    no problem, we'll just click on the "flag for spam" link near his comment or name - wait there isn't one. Another gwaker fail

    I think it's hilarious to watch gawker stumble through all this half-baked commenting software. I guess we should just be happy that they didn't "upgrade" the old 2-column layout to 3 or 4.

    assuming the position wasn't already filled internally and they're just posting it to follow procedure