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    I only use mine for playing local content, so I always go straight into the "Videos". I did notice a big difference in "snapiness" when accessing a linux share vs a windows share though.

    Not to be a jerk about it, but that's terrible. It's about half a step above putting a door on top of 2 sets of milk crates.

    there should be no reason to replace a correctly spelled word - EVER. If I spelled it correctly and it's the wrong usage that's my fault, quit screwing with my words.

    yes, I know - that's why I put jk at the end.

    never mind - I get it now (having a brain fart kinda day)

    We've got multiple motion picture anthologies at price lows. Make room on your shelves.

    I love mine - I got the WDTV live (same as the hub minus the internal hard drive). Everything stored on a NAS and it will play anything I throw at it. Kicks the crap out of a Roku.

    just hope that they're not using a 30 year-old encryption standard and only hashing the first 8 characters like the geniuses here at gawker (lifehacker, gizmodo, jezebel etc) did

    length of password doesn't affect a keylogger's ability to gain access.

    ALT+TAB is also great for quickly switching back to what you're supposed to be doing when prying eyes start approaching.

    nope, because the video originates from inside your network and is sent to another spot within your network, it never goes out over the internet. It's the same idea as making a phone call from one office to another office within the same building.

    Agreed - if local content is important to you, WDTV blows the rest of these out of the water. It'll play anything you throw at it too.

    It's interesting how they rate the views. It looks like it's using google maps rather than pictures from guests staying in the room. If there's a tiny sliver of water that seems to bump the view up a notch in their mind. Here's a few in Chicago. this first one

    okay, I found it. Maybe I just hadn't picked a hotel that had the floor plan since not all of them do. Thanks for the follow up.

    how far do you have to get in to the process to see the room views? I picked several hotels in a few different cities from $50-$75 cheapos up to a $700 hotel in midtown Manhattan and couldn't find specific room views for any of them - just the same pictures you usually see.

    Am I missing something? The room numbers are not on the outside of the building, so how does this help you when selecting a room?

    Some of those really cheap styrofoam plates will start to melt from warm toast

    Speaking of what not to microwave - if anyone has seen those Kraft microwaveable mac-n-cheese cups http://www.amazon.com/Kraft-Easy-Ori… Don't forget to add the water, or you will be sorry. I forgot to add water to one last week and it melted the plastic, turned the pasta black and there was some pretty toxic