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    What always surprised/irked me is why two stores from the same chain which were built around the same time and have the same shaped buildings will have such different layouts. Most of the time the produce and veggies are at the front, but everything else is a crapshoot.

    ok, so who though to put the days of the week on the y-axis, instead of horizontal - like a calendar?

    hopefully they have better streams for NFL than they do NHL, because most of those border on unwatchable

    the quality of the streams is sooo terrible though.

    that's a great example of making something very utilitarian blend in and look nice. It'd be nice if a lot more places built things with something like this in mind.

    wow, was that a 5.25" drive. My last Samsung was a 20 or 30Gb I think, so not real recent but much newer than yours.

    you're right that is 12% <1 year would be pretty scary. I feel a little better about my lone seagate drive now.

    I think they're saying that on average the Seagate Barracuda Green lasted less than 1 year, making its annual failure rate higher than 100%.

    Exactly, the cost of replacement drives is a relatively minor inconvenience compared to the hassle of trying to replace the data, especially if it's user created data.

    I had a Samsung drive fail once. You're probably after a bigger sample size than 1 person with 1 drive though.

    detects everything on my network(hopefully) except for my wdtv live.

    I don't know why we're even voting - I think everyone will agree that Real Player is the best.

    Sometimes it works too good. If you're trying to figure out if a file will play on your standalone player (roku, wdtv live etc..) testing it in VLC isn't much help since VLC will play it without issue even if there's some serious problems with the file itself.

    you don't need to play the disc - makemkv will turn it into an MKV file and you can play that with any player.

    Not quite the same as playing it directly from the disc, but if you don't have any special requirements, try makemkv It'll rip an mkv to your hard drive. Takes a few minutes, but after that you can play it with pretty much any of the players mentioned here.

    I know - let's make invisible zippers and then make sure it's bright red

    no one seems to know anything about MOUS certification. I have to explain it every single time, even at technology companies (i.e. not just applying to be the IT person at said business, actually applying for a position in an IT business) I've though about removing it, since it doesn't seem to impress much.

    This will NEVER happen - we can't even get people who aren't passing anyone to get out of the left lane. That is by far the biggest problem, not the occasional congestion merge.
