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    Am I the only one who thinks that the Libraries feature should list all files as if they were in one folder? If you're going to put all your videos in the video library, you don't care what folder they're in. It's like plugging in 11 external drives with videos on them and saying "drives F through P have videos on

    what kind of drive would you put in it?

    Looks like unsharp mask in Photoshop. It also looks like they went a little too far with it, maybe dialing it back a bit would make it look less like a painting.

    what kind of car do you have that doesn't have a cigarette lighter socket?

    is still staying at 9.2 because 10 AND 11 are so awful

    looks the same as atdhe.eu only with less content

    I've been stuck using 9.2.ever since they moved the text from underneath the album art to the right of it, and then in the latest version you can't even have album art in list view. My biggest gripe with iTunes is the lack of flexibility. Apple has decided that this is how the layout is going to be and there's

    been a member there for years. Watching after the fact is not the problem. Watching live is.

    what's the setup for the playoffs on GCL? Are they going to do all 4 rounds?

    I don't think there's a good way, legal or otherwise to watch your local NHL team. Honestly, I'm loving the fact that they have every single playoff game on the NBC networks. As much as I want to cut the cord, I don't see it happening until they let you watch your local team and all the playoff games on gamecenter

    they used to have pringle "ridges" that weren't half bad, so they had to stop making them.

    So why make people sign up with their email etc. just post the PDF and be done with it.

    wouldn't this make it more humid as well?

    If each coupon were unique then things would be much easier.

    what about RSS?

    probably because Americans would have a harder time saying dieciseis de septiembre

    what's gamecenter live's setup for the playoffs? Are the nationally televised games blacked out? Which could be all of them, if they're counting the fact that they're all being show on one of the NBC networks. I'd love to drop cable, but I can't give up hockey and following an in-market team is no good for

    come on lifehacker. Stop spreading bad advice. Don't waste your time or money on a 10 megabit switch. You wouldn't tell anyone to install cat 3 cable. There's no reason not to get a gigabit switch if you're purchasing new equipment or if you're a super tightwad (the kind of person who washes paper plates) get a

    I know, would it have been that hard to say "Fiber Optic service for example FiOS" since that is the most popular, but come on lifehacker - you should be able to do better than a USA Today article

    your feet are IN not ON your socks, your misleading use of prepositions severely undermines your credibility