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    yes, and thankfully netflix never goes down like Christmas eve and new years eve

    you mean everything that ends in an S doesn't need an apostrophe? that sound's wrong on so many level's

    From my understanding of things, mkv as a container has some more advanced features such as chapter and subtitle support(which is kind of nice not to have a bunch of .srt files cluttering up directories for tv shows) whereas MP4 is more widely compatible.

    That's terrible advice. Wearing socks to sleep in is like wearing a jacket and work boots.

    or Michigan lefts. What slows traffic down is the extra cycle for the left turn light, Michigan lefts get rid of that and still keep traffic moving without having to slow everyone down like roundabouts

    this really is the worst commenting setup I've ever seen. Do people at gawker actually look at this layout and think "2 giant uneven columns, that sounds great"

    that looks beautiful

    That takes me back. I love how Leo is excited about the LEDs on the front fan.

    except that NONE of those changes are only in the Beta/Dev channel. Good ol' regular chrome 26.0.1410.64 m

    I think this follows right along with what they have been doing as far as needles UI changes and making things less intuitive. Remember when the "new tab" button used to have a plus sign which visually indicated you would be adding something, such as a new tab. Now it's just a shaded parallelogram (or rhombus?)

    seriously, what do you expect from a site that thinks two columns is a great layout for reading comments. Even facebook is abandoning it

    I'm sorry, but fireplaces are a terrible waste of space, especially in a living room. You're often forced to mount the TV above them, which as we see (and most of us already knew), is a bad idea, or the TV end up being shoved in the corner and no one gets a good view of it. If you want sit around staring at a fire,

    or the circumference of circles

    if you're switching to T-Mobile, make sure you check out their coverage in your area. I was going to use them because they were a much better deal, but their coverage is terrible

    the one I miss is the real estate layer on maps. Invariably, real estate websites are complete garbage. The ability to just check a box and be able to see houses for sale whenever you panned around in google maps was awesome. Going to miss iGoogle too, I've been using protopage and it's ok, but there's some things

    we love our pizza pizzazz it even makes the $1 totino's red box pizzas pretty good http://www.amazon.com/Presto-03430-Pizzazz-Pizza-Oven/dp/B00005IBXJ My only complaint is that the non-stick wears off the tray after a while and you have to give it a spray with the Pam or similar.

    TNG is probably the best place to start if you're <50. Seasons 1 is a little weak. 2 is okay if you can put up with Dr Pulaski, but 3-7 are very good. We are just finishing up Voyager and there's some really good episodes in there, several stinkers too though. On to DS9 next, I only saw a handful of those when

    that's why there's been 17 outbreaks of mad cow disease in Canada and 4 in the US http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bovine_spongiform_encephalopathy