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    this one time... at bandcamp

    I think people are so used to green means go = good and red means stop = bad that color blindness never enters their mind.

    I hate to say it, but that sounds pretty cool

    thanks for the heads up - that sounds awesome. It's been so long since I had one.

    how about the arch deluxe? that was the last good sandwich I had from McDonald's

    yes, I clicked on one of the "my best freind's sister makes $84 an hour" links that are all over the place on gawker sites

    maybe they don't have $100 for the hdmi cable from Best Buy jk

    Java doesn’t do anything by itself. It’s a programming language. Programming languages are like sewage plants: If the average user becomes aware of them, something’s gone wrong.

    anybody else click on this expecting info about switches and routers?

    shades of gray - I believe there's a book about it

    it's almost as if they try and find the worst way to do things so they can be featured on lifehacker. If you see a DIY project on lifehacker that uses a similar material or technique you've used, then you're doing it wrong.

    rule #1 - whatever they are selling, you already are a subscriber to/ have 2 of them.

    Utter madness - "if you're ready to move up from a point-and-shoot" your 5 best options will run you $3,000 $2,200 2 @ $2,100 or one for $600 - and none of those have a lens. We need an article about the best Italian sports car to replace my bicycle - no engine included of course.

    seriously - listen to some Sennhesier or Grado or AKG

    I'm glad I'm not the only one, I had to scroll it off the screen so I didn't barf on my keyboard

    If you really want a powerful solution to handle unwanted calls, setting up an Asterisk box would give you the option to ignore calls, or forward to another number. Just forward calls to your local police station or back to the number they came from. That does take some work to set up, but if you wanted something

    You're right, boy do I feel dumb now. I've seen that commercial so many times too. Sorry Adam

    Clean My PC? Have you lost your bloody marbles Adam? No one with any tech knowledge should be recommending that garbage. You lost a LOT of credibility on this one.

    kind of weird how Windows 8 smartscreen flags this when it was okay with all the previous Frodo betas and RCs. Microsoft must think beta software is fine, but final release versions are a security concern lol

    get one of those egg-cookers like http://www.amazon.com/Egg-Genie-Electric-Cooker/dp/B0026RXLGU/ref=sr_1_7?s=kitchen&ie=UTF8&qid=1358804991&sr=1-7 or similar - it makes a big difference. Then dump a tray full of ice cubes into a big bowl of water and put the eggs in there for about 8 minutes. They peel like a charm