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    it's not 5MB, it's 5Mb as in Megabit, not Megabyte. They did a terrible job on this "article", but even at 12Mb, you're fast than the free Google opiton. To download at 5 Megabytes/second you would need a 40Megabit connection.

    mpeg 4 is better than mpeg2, it gives higher quality at lower file sizes. Mpeg2 takes less processing power to decode. The only reason you would want to use MPEG2 is if you're authoring a DVD. DVDs have been around since around 1995. Think about how much more powerful computers are now vs. '95. Computers can

    grab classic shell or Start 8, they both work great. I like Start 8 a little bit more so I shelled out the $5, but classic shell is free and still very good.

    I don't know where you've been, but XBMC does ALL of those things.

    there is no benefit. XBMC and even Boxee are infinitely more capable. If you have something that can play videos directly off network shares, that's the way to go. Most non-geeks don't have anything more advanced than the DLNA renderer built into their TV or Blu-Ray player though.

    If there were an adblock plus or similar add-on (maybe there is I didn't bother to look), I might consider giving IE10 a chance.

    If nothing else, it's fun to read the software descriptions on that page. Here's a tidbit from Network monitor's - "Each time you need not open your internet settings to see IP address. Just put one look at this gadget. You can quickly say Internet connection is exist or not."

    I've been using it for the past 6 months or so to stream tv shows and movies to a Panasonic TV - works great. It ran circles around Plex, that's for sure.

    seriously, I had to turn off my adblock just to make sure it wasn't accidentally blocking them.

    what fm transmitter are you using?

    I can't believe no one has brought it up yet - but do NOT go during your lunch break (assuming your work the day shift)

    agreed - at least have a "flag for spam" option on each comment, since no one can figure out how to write a script to automatically flag a comment with a dollar sign in it.

    I was going to make a comment, but I see this post is for spam comments only

    will gawker sites then copy this layout ?

    the purpose of name tags is so you know who messed things up when you complain. That's the reason people are forced to wear them.

    I'd just like to see a reliable, affordable, legal way to watch my local sports team live without having to buy a whole cable/satellite package. I could deal with OTA for primetime shows on the major networks, and waiting for the cable shows to come out on iTunes, Amazon, Neflix, Hulu etc., but sports don't really

    that channel started going downhill the minute they got their grubby little hands on it. It used to be called techtv, and there was this little show called "the screen savers" it was quite awesome. And now, well... you know what it's like now.

    sounds like you need to become good friends with your neighbors. Maybe you can make it worth their while to get a second hookup to the pole.

    these are the people I'm going on vacation FROM

    I love getting Best Buy or Microcenter gift cards. Tech stuff is often specific and expensive, so being able to have a few people chip in with gift cards is a great idea. You can even save them up until next year if you're looking to get something even bigger.