
So, my legacy in Final Fantasy XI is one of under leveled triumphs. Made it from Bastok to Jeuno at level 1 (immediately died when I left), never used a weapon as a monk, etc. Most of these were because no one told me how to do... anything. At least I couldn’t figure it out. I put stuff in the auction house, but never

“you were dying and we saved you so you could save others”

They’re not wearing sunglasses, so clearly they aren’t criminals and just trying to keep their germs from spreading. Who knew?

Its funny, if you asked me if any other single player game unlocks co-op if you beat it, I’d be ecstatic. Somehow, the promise of co-op being there from the start and then being told you had to beat the game first is... disheartening.

Sorta? I mean, you can’t even buy feathers. You can buy people to turn into feathers, which is like a pay wall that is also a dice roll. Nonsense all around.

That juggling mechanic is what always deterred me from Marvel vs Capcom.

PC, the unique thing about Trails is the NPCs lives go about whether you are astound or not. Back tracking and talking to past NPCs after certain story events or missions gives you more about what’s going on in their lives. If you aren’t into that, it’s a steapunk-ish martial arts world with monsters and fun

A Half-Orc, Neutral Good, Barbarian who politely talks politics, attempts diplomacy, and analyzes strategic values of targets and advantageous holding points... buhhhht no one hears or knows what he’s saying because his charisma is SO low that everyone is immediately offended by his voice face. If he says something,

I was about to start LoH: Trails in the Sky SC, but I’m still feeling Dishonored 2 after beating it with clean hands (Corvo). On my way to an Emily, very hard, no powers, and “potentially” killing people run. I haven’t committed to it yet.

My first orb was Robin, and he pretty much takes on everyone by himself. Just like my ACTUAL Awakening play through.

Honestly, I just looked at it and thought, “sweet, a new wood working project!”

Do you have a set number of push-ups to increase everyday, or do you just do as many as you can and call it a day?

I suppose the good thing about being backlogged in games is that by the time I get to playing this, I’ll have a bunch of features I wasn’t expecting.

I could just say “Mac sauce?” I always struggled with what to call it. Doing it from now on. Double Quarter Pounder w/ cheese, plain, add mac sauce.

I went and threw my vote away for Matthew. Not sure what I expected.

Female Turian.

I haven’t seen a lot of love for “Unknown Evil,” he doesn’t sound so bad.

In the world of video games, anything can be a taunt. Spamming light punches from a distance is a taunt. Or in the case of Dan Hibiki, every single move.

I saw fish and toothpaste and immediately thought of Mr. Dink.

I’m not gonna lie, this was the only thing keeping me from getting into any of these voice assistants. Glad this issue is resolved.