
Things to check if you get a minivan:
-is there a bench 2nd row
-if captain chairs, can they fold down, be replaced with bench
-are there as many latches as you may need in the future
-do the seatbelts LOCK (turns out, my minivan’s rear belts did not, so only holds two kids who require car seats)
-do the seats slide

I had it on a high difficulty and got murdered every few seconds for a good deal of the game before I remembered: “oh right, this is Dishonored. There’s probably tens of ways into a building” and it lightened up on me.

The ideal lowest profile would be to make it a Glade Plug-in.

I’ve never felt more like building a giant sandwich than now. You could keep cutting them in half and snake it along for a whole table.

Aw man, finally a reason to boot up ARK again and its already shut down.

Oh weird, I might be watching it if they are continuing where it ended.

Just getting some ideas for his new Vita prototype.

Yeah, I pretty much have to start over for the achievement because I didn’t know it happened.

Mission select would be nice, I accidentally killed someone at some point of my no-kill run. Most likely someone stabbed someone I had in a sleeper hold.

“Time to live up to my reputation” would be a whole lot more hilarious if he were holding a bat.

If I had to pick right now? Bunny Slipper, Sliced Bread, TV, and T-Rex.

No one checks bags when exiting and I imagine no one thinks twice about a Razer laptop being in a bag. That being said, if the screens didn’t fold up, then breaking them off to hide them sounds like a reasonable move for industrial espionage. I didn’t make it to Razer, was it clamped down at all?

I’m waiting for someone to tell me $20 is worth Frog Fractions 2. Just barely went through the first and, well, that was hilarious.

Here’s a relevant recent article on that:

I have $20 of Steam credit. Should I:

This guy. Also, clippers or exacto knife wise, I leave a little space so I don’t cut into the plastic then sandpaper the rest.

No arguments from me. As far as I can tell, that game was exactly what people should have expected it to be, but for some reason wanted more.

After 30 years, they’ll probably just sell the rights off to Gearbox, who will make it based on the remaining assets, and everyone will be disappointed it exists.

I’m gonna get them all Plays Of The Game as presents.

Time to get into sewing, my friend.