
YOU sound like a tool assist!

Yeah, Boneworks had a really interesting implementation but it was’t especially... fun. Immersive when it worked, sure, but that’s only half the equation. I just stopped using melee weapons altogether after a certain point because they kept getting stuck on the back of my head or the physics engine would decide that I

That is the best kind of upgrade.

That is also VERY good

I have serious doubts this will (legally) come west, but hope that it does. It was always a bummer that the Jinchu arc was never animated, to see it be brought back in live-action is really something (especially since the other movies were so good)

Hmmm I’ve never made tuna cakes but I have made salmon cakes and I think tuna might work?

Lol. That’s Destiny. Light on story, big on lore.

Predator is a blueprint for how we should function in society

A plain red shirt is admittedly also much easier to animate than one with a distinct pattern like that on it.

My first princess became a homemaker. I am a failure as a royal guiding figure.

Now playing

Keef has my favorite take on the subject:

“Kate, Clint, and a good boy”

Here’s a picture of their captain

Oh dang, now you made me actually want to watch the trailer!

Anyone care to mention the Falcon has it’s circular communication dish back?

I think that new model is called the Decapitator, with a hood line like that you want to avoid frontal collisions.

no to touchscreen controls

List time:
DC has great villains!
Marvel has great heroes!
DC has lots of one dimentional heroes...
Marvel has lots of one dimensional villains...
Marvel makes great movies!
DC is starting to make great movies!
DC also makes terrible movies...
DC makes the best damn animated TV series!
Marvel makes... okay animated TV series