If you started playing Metal Gear Solid at age eight or ten like we did, and ended with MGS4 at ages eighteen and twenty, then the franchise covered a pretty hefty chunk of your own maturation.
I’m conflicted, Birthright seems like the way I generally fight. Pair my strongest character with a pegasus knight, drop them on the enemy General. But, I prefer more interesting characters.
I killed my whole team with Nazeebo, locked them in place while they were running. I don’t play keyboard games ever and I keep losing my finger placement between qwer and 1234. 0_0;
Actually yes, I would love if someone did one of these tournaments, rewound the clock and showed what the play likely was with yellow marker graphics.
PAX NA Regionals for LoL were nonsensical to me when I saw it. People yelling and getting excited about words that made no sense to me.
-Captain Skyhawk
-Rescue: Embassy Mission
-Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi
-Wild Arms
-I.Q.: Intelligence Qube
-Fantasy Zone
-Stunt Race FX
-Umjammer Lammy
-Surf Ninjas
-Macross VFX
Was Wrath of Heaven the one with co-op? Co-op Tenchu was hilarious. One of us would throw a poison onigiri, and the other would kill the guard before he got to it so we could keep using it.
I love Shirobako for showing me everything that goes awry that leads to this:
I somehow assumed “sandbox” meant you could position NPCs to test moves and see how much damage combinations could do or something. That would actually be useful to know what people could survive and when a good time to attack is.
Maybe Kojima doesn’t know it was cancelled... awkward.
I love how ridiculous that sounds: “so it’s like an airship... on the water?”
My favorite way to describe Tomb Raider:
I believe Patrick Stewart could salvage any garbage, if you let him say the lines in whatever inflection he wants.
Have we given up on hoping this is another crazy Kojima stunt to advertise the game?
I don’t understand torrent delivery so well, if it hashes to verify validity or whatnot, but if someone edits updates that are being pulled from a particular machine, would it populate it to other computers?
It makes me happy to see Patlabor, TV or movie, was never forgotten.
As best as I can tell, it’s mostly related to the in-game physics. It registers the momentum of the wheels on the tiny platform enough to say it should proceed forward, but does so as the bridge part is falling, creating the upward angle. Upward angle, forward momentum, launch.