The internet hive mind heard you, this video must already exist.
The internet hive mind heard you, this video must already exist.
Good news:
If what they are focusing on is men and redirecting their "testosterone", then instead of making a "video game rehab" they should just make it MAN CAMP. At MAN CAMP, you learn to fight bears and catch fish with your hands. Teach crazy survival stuff, make it sound like your alternative is somewhere between being a…
I found that most DS/3DS games that required movement with the D pad and stylus I would just try to use that chunky part of the hand under the pinky to move the D pad and keep the stylus in my left hand. Not super functional, but it worked well enough for that soccer mini game for Pokemon X/Y.
You know the hilarious part of this is that it doesn't make me feel like I shouldn't support them, but makes me want to buy another copy of this game for PC. On a $15 steam sale, sure, but buy it twice.
Completely forgot about Macross Zero. On a whole, I'd say the original TV series was the most serious, the risks were more real. In every other series, people may have died, but it didn't have the impact of the original.
You would, yeah. Macross TV Series had some great moments. But strangely the rest of the Macross universe seems to act like DYRL is canon, so that's weird.
If animation quality is a must, or would otherwise detract from your viewing experience, I'd recommend Macross: Do You Remember Love? as a crash course. I'd say start from the beginning, but my wife wasn't so keen on the TV series quality.
Strangely enough, I've only shot the gun once in a forced scene. I've only been beating people down with a nightstick. Though, as I'm starting to get overwhelmed with combatants, I've started taking the Batman approach and assuming, "this explosive just knocked them out... yeah, they totally aren't dead."
It was Mega Man's smoker's voice that always threw me off... or maybe the over the top Mother Brain in the voice of Aunt Jemima.
I think no one was angry that Halo 3 had four player co-op with all men (asexual aliens?).
Geez, Snake, I know you kill people but MAN. I don't think there is a no kill stealth option to this one, unless his gun just flashes light and people spurt squib packets off their head for self defense.
So... Metal Gear Solid?
Going with my most recent: when someone impales themselves on your blade in Nidhogg and you don't kill them, you just both stand there and let the pixels keep flowing out. It makes a hilarious awkward break in the fight to stare your opponent in the face, "you've killed yourself, and I'm taunting you now by not…
Mill decks used to be the only way I could win at Magic. Discard half your deck, discard half again, discard 13...
I had a generic computer class in college where the professor told us, "Don't be a wuss, my 7 year old grandchildren assemble computers for me."
Reminds me of a Demitri Martin line (as best I can remember it):
I remember loading GamePro's website. It took about 30 minutes to load, I read a book while I waited.
Gravity Falls usually has some sort of moral, though the way they arrive at it is crazy, which makes the show good. I haven't watched Power Rangers in almost 2 decades, but I bet they still try to have morals.