well, for school, and selective services, drivers license (work purposes), he couldn't even work for the Daily Planet without forging some identification
well, for school, and selective services, drivers license (work purposes), he couldn't even work for the Daily Planet without forging some identification
She can make any hat work. Every hat I have ever seen her wear would look ridiculous on anyone else. Sort of like how only Bing Crosby can wear a baby blue ascot (White Christmas).
I've only played enough of it to say Aiden is a guy who beats people with a nightstick because it is the right thing to do. But given that I went out of my way to do it to a prank caller seems a little extreme.
So what you are saying is that Clark Kent's parents were in to forging documents? mind blown
Trapped in video games stories are the reason I'm excited for occulus
Oh, I figured I needed to download the DS end of the bank. Back to procrastinating.
Starting to regret not moving my Pokemon over from Black...
It is pretty neat when you solve it, gives you a certificate with your name on it, number of moves, time, and the signature of Erno Rubik and Lawerence Page
Someone helped me find budget parts for about 300. I cheaped out on the motherboard and processor (maybe a little over 50 a piece), and dropped 100 on a Radeon 7770 graphics card (might have been 7750, I forget), RAM however, is where you start losing money. The market is all over the place for RAM, so you might want…
Really, if you could get one-to-one motion with a Move controller and could look down at your hands with this thing and literally see your hands moving in a video game world, that's about all I need to be convinced to buy it (mostly want .hack// to exist).
All of the NES and SNES megaman games hopefully. Though I'll most likely fail and go back to trying to finish Thief.
Can't wait to watch it, though I'm still looking forward to the AdyWan edit. If no one has watched Star Wars: Revisited, the man is meticulous in fixing everything. He's in the middle of Empire, so he won't be getting to the prequels for a while.
I never made it past the first 10 minutes, as I was sort of coming off Dishonored at the time and was used to avoiding fights. The thing was, though, I avoided fights as a means of living through Legendary in every other Halo.
I'm still going to try to play through this without killing anyone, though that might mean the game ends when I can't pass a section without death.
The internet has forced me to believe nothing posted is ever true. That said, I hope this one is easier than the original, I've been stuck on that Nuzlocke run for months.
Honestly, I'm just banking on him being a bigger Star Wars fan. Not trust, just hope.
By Wedge I just meant Rouge Squadron, that's all. Otherwise, I'm saying that I'm ok if we forget some things that are still apart of the Star Wars films as well.
There, I fixed it.
So long as J.J. Abrams doesn't mention Mediclorians, and what I've seen of his inner Star Wars nerd we should be at LEAST that safe, I imagine episode 7 etc will nicely forget the prequels as well.