
There is an underlying culture that contributes to secondary trauma and burnout... It is the feeling that if you care enough and are tough enough, you wouldn’t burn out. There is this underlying drive to work longer, harder, to try to accomplish more. Caseloads can be overwhelming. There needs to be a shift to the

Unfortunately, this is extremely typical of all social welfare offices. Yes, including food stamps, whose case workers lose files and cause families to go hungry while they wait to have benefits approved or reinstated.

Run. Do NOT walk. There are many social service agencies that could assist her with finding stable housing. I assure you that CPS is, generally, interested in maintaining families intact, and if they are taking her son from her, they have found serious deficiencies in her ability to provide for his needs. You can best

Sadly it’s not even close for me. I once did a postpartum home visit to find that the infant had died several days before but the mother was still bathing and dressing the little body and frantic because “She just won’t eat.” I suspect this will turn out to be something similar. Grief can do some powerfully tragic

There’s a lot of info flying around so I may not have this totally straight but here’s what I understand:

This woman is full of crap and scamming you. CPS never, ever moves that fast and parental rights dont get terminated in two months.

Oh my god that SUCKS. I’m so sorry. As someone who hopes to go the foster to adopt route in the future this is also terrifying. May I ask what state you live in?

That’s terrible. I hope you hear something back. We need to fix our foster/adoption care in the U.S.

Yup. In 2006 she contradicted the earlier claim by saying they sent him to build houses in Little Rock.

Yup. On, a poster has suggested that the prior “betrothal” was to a daughter of politician Jim Holt, and that the betrothal was cut off after Jim Holt got suspicious of sin among his people. The fact that damn near everyone who knew about these issues was fine with hiding it and brushing it under god’s

Yes, he was packed off to a relative in Arkansas for a few months. Supposedly he was put to work on building homes, or something, but look at that piece of shit, you know there’s no way he was actually busting his ass.

I did some digging, there was one of the hardcore ones that was initially proposed, but dad found a more “Christian” alternative in Little Rock that was affiliated with the police dep’t. I mean, I doubt it was an easy place to be, but he was only there for a few months. The school initially proposed would have had him

It does happen in families, and my brother went to jail for 5 years for incest and sex with a minor. They were kids but it was still illegal and terrible. That’s how its supposed to happen. I’ve forgiven my brother but others in my family haven’t and that’s okay. What’s not okay is pretending shit didn’t happen and

“Boys always do this. This happens in many families” Holy crap. It’s ALWAYS wrong, too. I also love that these people are still more concerned with him, and how it affects worries about the girls that did not get help....

As a Christian I usually don’t like the Devil to win but this time

I love Hot Springs! I don't know if you visit there very often, but it's become a cool/hipster type place.

Yeah, like 3 million acres of National Forests — there are some beautiful natural areas there.

Yeah, agree with that entirely. I’m a Pulaski country resident (Though I grew up in Ouachita County) and by all reasonable accounts, Saline is not a place a non-white person would ever want to be.

Here lately, ALL the embarrassing stories have been Arkansas. Lol We’re the new Florida.

Right? I read an article or a study or some such thing that concluded that conquered nations (or portions of a nation, like the South) will always sow seeds of discontent, so once conquered you might as well crush it completely, otherwise you get bullshit like the Tea Party and the KKK and white supremacists. I cannot