I’m not an expert on shade, but I do know that being factual is an element of shade. So yes. There’s nuance there that we may not have achieved but we have got that one basic element down. Shade has to be factual.
I’m not an expert on shade, but I do know that being factual is an element of shade. So yes. There’s nuance there that we may not have achieved but we have got that one basic element down. Shade has to be factual.
KKK — that’s 5 sad guys hanging out in a garage under some sheets and White Power posters, eh?
I do like outdoorsy stuff. I like mountains and bridges. When I lived in Flagstaff housing costs came with a premium. Like you pay 10 to 20% over the value of your house and property to live in the area. I’m guessing people who move to Arkansas get a discount.
I know. Sigh...they pronounce it something like “suh-leen.” I can’t, lol.
Hi. Unfortunate Saline County resident here. I'm not surprised.
Ohhh geeeeeeze! This is just reaching unnecessarily. In her eyes, she was thinner than she is currently and feels as though she was skinny. Why nit pick and pull out websters? Every woman does this.
Hey, different furry strokes for different folks. There’s a reason why bears are a thing. Unless you fall in love. I tend towards hairless and wound up with someone who’s just that furry.
The last Instagram post is so incredibly heartbreaking. Her body language is so descriptive. You can only imagine the life that is ahead of this poor child.
The waist is what makes this dress awful. The belt is just... there. It doesn’t even look like it’s defining her waist, but rather floating there somewhere on her torso.
Maybe that’s where I should have started my statement. I’ve seen lots of ugly modest dresses...this one is just meh.
What about this chick from Nashville and her “boho” wedding where she walked down the aisle with a fucking WOLF?
Pack it up and go home, y’all, this is the whitest idea that has ever existed.
True there are much prettier ones, I just didn’t think it was as bad as the description said.
What on earth is an “escort card display”?
I would have a step-and-repeat with a green screen. And then the guests get to choose what the background is. And the choices would be like, Star Wars scene, dinosaur stampede, mushroom cloud, underwater, Hogwarts or something.
I think the flower crown on the donkey is totally adorable, if somewhat ridiculous. BUT — for God’s sakes, don’t put ranunculus on a donkey! The donkey is virtually certain to end up eating the flowers, and ranunculus are FUCKING POISONOUS. Killing a donkey is not a great way to start a marriage. It just points out…
“put a flower crown on donkey”
Meh, I don’t see much wrong with the covered up dress. Some brides need/want dresses that cover everything for religious or just feel like it reasons.