
Or she doesn’t want to go around masquerading as something she’s not? If someone was lead to believe I was something that I was not, I’d want to clarify.

Wait, she thought by more American you’d be willing to work for free? Has she met us?

can totally relate to this. I have a very similar situ. This last MD was so weird. How many idyllic looking posts of “I love you Mom” on FB can there be? So glad to know I’m not the only one too even though it feels like it and I worry about how much damage I’ve caused my own kids. ugh

from the article it sounds like it’s less like “you can choose to go naked or do something emotionally naked” and more like “the assignment is to go naked but if you absolutely won’t do that then you can do this other thing” and I’m not really sure what it means to go “emotionally naked” and students might not choose

Yeah, I’m pretty sure the “no one was ever informed of this final project or the nudity involved until last Thursday” refers only to the mother voicing the complaint.

My parents CONTINUOUSLY expect me to pick them over my husband, and when I finally snap and tell them to get a life, they act injured and whine amongst themselves about what a terrible daughter I am.

Wait, how do you have MY mother too?!?! In all seriousness, my mother has borderline personality disorder and taught it to me (one of the only learnable mental illnesses, thanks!). You’re much better off distancing yourself from her, and best of luck.

Good for you. Her demands are unreasonable, and you’re trying to maintain a normal relationship. Two weekends a month is ridiculous; I assume you’re single with no kids. Some parents can’t let go of a kid til the kid has a family.

That’s absolutely what therapy is for! My therapist helped me understand where those feelings of guilt were coming from and gave me different frames and tools to deal with situations. Im actually closer to my mom than I have been in a long time because I know how to control the interactions and be comfortable- so I'm

I feel like I’m reading my own thoughts. My mother treats me like a 5 year old still andI’m 33. Seriously there are so many facets to her brand of insanity I don’t have the energy to list it all here. I love her but I have backed away from her so many times. I always wonder when I will walk away for good.

if you aren’t already, I highly recommend therapy to help you more easily establish boundaries with her (without the feelings of being a horrible person because you’re doing it). My husband and I both deal with control issues related to family and being able to set reasonable boundaries and stick to them have made the

My dad is always going on and on about he might croak at any minute too. Anyway, even if it is only 10 years, I would rather make it 10 years where I am happy and comfortable with my contact with my parents rather than 10 years of drama.

We may have the same mother. Literally everything I do in my life that is different than the way she does it, is seen as a personal attack on her. She’s still bitter that I moved away (tried to prevent me from leaving the nest be refusing to pay for application fees to college other than the one local school) at all.

I feel like that is a lot. One overnight visit a year is a lot for me.

Do we have the same mother? lol :(

Hello, as this thread testifies even people with mother’s who do cartoonishly horrible things still feel guilty about cutting them out. But I think in your case re-framing it a little might help. Your mother is not being “a good mother.” Not everybody can be a good mother all the time, she might be a good person and

This sounds... surprisingly reasonable and not exploitive at all. I mean, the kid seems to have fun with it, the mother isn’t forcing her or going full on stage mom and they’re putting her earnings into an account for college. I mean, I almost feel bad for being pleasantly surprised.

I’ve had this problem with stylists that don’t get curly hair. If you take 2 inches off when it’s wet, it’s gonna be 4-6 inches shorter when it’s dry. I said one inch, I mean ONE INCH.

I think you have to feel out your particular stylist. My current one is not a big chatter, while the woman who works next to her is. It’s hard for me because I combat my social anxiety with constant chatter (weird I know), and I hate having to be quiet. But I’ll do it for the gorgeous job my stylist does!