
Sewing is great! I’m pretty proficient, but I normally use those skills for alterations and mending. There’s a nice button down shirt pattern by Collette I’m slowly working on for my husband:

This is why I’m trying to learn to (properly) sew.

My 4 year old son will take 5.

:( This is why I mostly buy from Goodwill. So fucking sad and awful.

Introducing J.Crew’s Spring 2016 collection:

I never said she shouldn’t enjoy fashion. Making clothes, drawing pictures, making scrapbooks, etc. are all enriching pursuits for a child. It’s the blog I object to. Why does a child need publicity?

i’m not the only one. i pretty much only like tomatoes if they’re cooked. a lot of people are weirdly defensive about not liking certain foods. like we’re somehow offending them for not liking something.
no, dude. i just don’t like ____, it tastes bad to me. my sister loathes onions. LOATHES them. like, when i used to

PEOPLE ARE WEIRDLY DEFENSIVE ABOUT NOT LIKING TOMATOES. i hate tomatoes and like two of my good friends think i’m the scum of the earth because i hate them. THEY WILL CUT A TOMATO IN HALF AND PUT SALT ON IT AND EAT IT LIKE AN APPLE. IM GROSSED OUT.

yes, need more details.

I require more information about this alleged ceiling-dweller.


My bestie works at a library that needs a security guard. She always has hilarious/creepy/pervy stories. Let’s just say, A LOT of men need to be kicked out for porn and/or jacking off to it.

You will not be moved on this subject because you will be struck down where you stand. Wheat Beer is delish. Absolutely fantastic. And you should feel bad.

I’ll drink anything they put an orange in

Blue Moon is a gateway beer. People who don’t like beer can start with cider, then on to Blue Moon. I’ve seen it open people’s beer palattes. It’s a good beer, not a great beer, but a good beer you can find just about everywhere. So meh to this guy. “Artfully crafted” doesn’t mean it’s indie. It’s just a tagline.

I always thought it was a stylized vulva.

Ah thank you. Here I am trying to be hip and down with the youths.

it’s what fenemism is all about

As a white, cisgendered feminist I resent the implication that everything is not about me.

Does anyone else remember “Hot or Not” on AIM in the dial-up days? Even as a 14 year old I knew that shit was messed up.