Don't treat your face with lavender oil. Please. Just. Do not.
Don't treat your face with lavender oil. Please. Just. Do not.
I’m confused why people are surprised. I like reading kitchenette, but guy’s a real dick. He’s super immature and insults you if you disagree with anything he writes.
Aaaaand recent studies (I've had insufficient caffeine to look up the links, sorry) demonstrate that yes, we are indeed breeding antibiotic-resistant strains of acne bacteria. I mean, everybody make your own decisions, but I would not do antibiotics for zits unless the situation were so, soooo dire.
I've read the whole series and I think, for me, it does come down to historical accuracy in terms of a lot of the sad/difficult bits. Life in the 1700s was a bitch, with a much lower life expectancy. Many families lost multiple children and other family members to disease and accidents, etc. The series remains my…
This is where my otherwise very conventional ideas about attractiveness diverge from many other people’s, because I wouldn’t hit that. Not if he had a great personality. Not if he were a decade older and more appropriate for me to be seen in public with. Just...not.
Not to be a total buzzkill? But I think Nick Jonas is NOT hot. First of all, EW TEENS. Secondly, this is hard to sum up, but the earnestness + the lifting + the generic good looks just say SIBLING to me. Overall verdict: Would not bone.
I just had to urban dictionary ‘talm bout’ because I am an old and I'm not ready to invest in a diplo.
I’m an articulate woman, which is why I’ll let my t-shirt do the talking for me.
I feel like there’s not likely to be much overlap between women who will spend $50 for a t-shirt and women who are interested in t-shirts proclaiming their classiness in metallic lettering. I also hope that neither group is particularly well-populated to begin with.
Agreed. I kept reading and I am now convinced the whole 'historical accuracy' is just a ploy for DG to put in some gruesome fetish in there. I could prob write a book on how she manipulates historical accuracy to develop her characters. That being said some of the later scenes with Jaime are pretty sweet. Still feel…
You and your partner sound like me and my husband. I'm married 12 years this year. We've been together 15 years. Somehow we manage.. Maybe it's because we can joke with each other while one of us is pooping and the other is in the shower. But we only have one shower/bath in the house....
That and Wentworth. And later, in the Fiery Cross, the "incident" with Roger. And later still, in ABOSAA, the incident with Claire (trying to avoid spoilers because everybody may not be as addicted as I am to these books). Because I've read them all once and I don't want to read shit that made me sad or uncomfortable…
That is one thing about Kate that I love - she is the most high-profile clothes recycler out there. She is the only high-profile women I can think of that does it so confidently, whereas many women who have half the budget she does will never be photographed in the same thing twice. I think it’s really admirable that…
She’s totally right, and I don’t think it was meant to be any kind of dig at Kate. It’s her job to dress in a non controversial manner.
Reading The Handmaid’s Tale scared the crap out of me much more than 1984 or Brave New World. I guess thats because each book basically takes the biggest threat to society and follows it to it’s most horrific conclusion. So with Brave New World it was eugenics, 1930s fascism, and the rise of radio. With 1984 it was…
In defense of Kate’s basic-ness, I think there’s something refreshing that’s she’s the most famous women in the world, but she will just throw on the same old wrap dress silhouette and work with the same five designers. I also think the fact that she will recycle evening dresses even though she knows everyone is just…
I'm glad the scene was funny and btw the way he had the belt double looped like that it wouldn't have hurt at all. I think that made it better for me because I'm not sure I can forgive Jaimie for this scene otherwise.. On a side note I think it was totally out of character and out of plot and totally unnecessary in…
Those are thick legs??