
Gosh, you are edgy. And by edgy, I mean you're an asshole.

Hey, guys! Check out the super special atheist snowflake! They're so edgy and "real" what with their disregard for the feelings of others . Good thing they don't have some imaginary sky god telling them not to be an asshole! Now they get to be an asshole ALL THE TIME! They're not just trying to make their Catholic mom

I will never visit Mt. Rushmore bc let's just say the Native perspective is not one of awe and pride. It was an intentional desecration of a space sacred to the Lakota. I have some close family who are very proud Americans w/out the redneck, dumbass aspect of it and who still talk about their visit to Mt. Rushmore as

The Ankara representative was probably just being generous and wanted to assume they had some modicum of respect left in them.

Not disagreeing that US tourists suck, but in Thailand on a temple tour, where the preferred dress is what I would consider conservative and PDAs are not appreciated, a French-speaking couple from Europe somewhere (prob France, maybe someplace else I dunno French well enough to hazard a guess) were making out and

For Pete's sake, evrn pulling their pants down in an American mall will have repercussions. Keep your pants up idiots. The world does not need to see your stupid butt.

Or your child will definitely grow up to be an obese criminal with an IQ of nine.

My kids eat bad, bad kid food. I eat veggies and fruits, some nuts and seeds. I don't fuss at them for their Frankenfood choices, they don't fuss at me for my choices. Now, I have had one person get on my case in a food group about not eating meat but the conversation did not go his way and he quickly agreed that as

Exactly. It's like why is my choice not to eat meat so threatening to you? Do some introspection, and leave me the hell out of it!

OMG the interrogation about protein. Where the fuck do the biggest and strongest land animals get their protein? From fucking plants, dude. Now when people ask me where I get my protein I ask them where they get their choline.

Finding allergy friendly restaurants can be far easier in big cities, true. I never have this issue in Chicago but St. Louis and my current place of residence are a real PITA. In the South, however, no one is safe with shellfish or peanut allergies. NO ONE.

I don't know that I've ever heard the "vegetarian = classist" argument before.

I think it does have some validity when it comes to food deserts and such. Also the fact that meat is often a more efficient way of getting some nutrients, so from that perspective it could be seen as cheaper. It covers areas of low food education too, where it is easier/cheaper/less time consuming/possible to get

I completely agree with you, not totally with C.A. who is splitting the difference between these groups. There is a shit tonne of real estate between advocating for folks to eat meat more mindfully and maybe not make it the center of every meal so our planet remains habitable, and "wander[ing] into a restaurant

My hubs and I do meatless meals to off-set the cost of more expensive (local or free range) meats. That way we are having a lower impact by way of veg meals, and are supporting sustainable farming practices. Also, we get to feel a bit better about our meat consumption.

I am a vegetarian. I don't bother mentioning it to most people, and I don't get preachy or soap-boxy about it. It's just a personal choice. I do know really preachy vegans though, and they get on my nerves. I also know stalwart meat-eaters, and they get on my nerves.

Cheers! I'm a lifelong vegetarian but my kids eat meat. They can make their own choices. I explained to them where meat comes from, just so they would know. I had that talk with my oldest son when he was 8 years old. At the end of the conversation, he thought for a while, then said, "You know, I'm okay with eating

I always tell my friends who are concerned about the environmental side of eating meat that it is difficult but far from impossible to find a butcher who is specialized in small or ancestral farming business.

Agree with this.