
“...we all have ...giant vet bills.” Love, and right there with you, Enjoy the new colors and the new brushes! 

I don’t drive, because I live in a country with excellent public transport so there is no need to drive if you live in an urban area. I also got a year’s paid leave with my son, get free health care, paid sick leave, subsidized child care, free higher education and I have never worried that I would be the victim in a

Yeah, we have to get over the “I’m just a clueless man; I don’t know what I’m doing” trope; particularly because these are the same people who also believe that only men are qualified to rule the world. They can’t be both. They can’t be helpless, clueless men, and/or men who can’t be expected to control their natural

“My name is Tommy Callaway, and I managed to have a long, intimate relationship with an adult woman and raise two little girls without ever once considering how fucked up it is to treat a woman’s body like public property. That proves what a good guy I am, right?”

Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it

Syrup forever.  Grade B.

Part of the problem with Medicare as it stands is that it’s (by design, currently) entirely populated by a subset of people who tend to need to partake of its services on a regular basis. By expanding the pool to everyone, you spread those costs out to include younger and generally healthier people, which puts more

I agree. This was, without much ambiguity, the weakest episode. Now obviously, plot-wise, not a lot happens in episode 2 aka Jawa Trubbles other than learning BY has force powers, but you’ve got a fun bottle episode with good design, some familiar critters and vehicles, and a fun boss fight.
I feel like they’re

I’m pretty sure what you want for a tv stand based on your couch is going to be a mid century side board. You’re gonna want to get one on the slimmer side bc of the space. They sell legs that move the feet from the outside to the inside. And you need longer curtains and need to move your curtain rod up by a lot. I

At times it felt like I was watching a cheap “Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman” episode or “Xena”. Is AVClub getting paid to write these raving reviews of the show. Because it’s really not that good, and I expect more from this company/franchise.

That planet is apparently the Outer Rim version of Canada.

car bad name

A 2014 Mustang is objectively better than a 2014 Mustang as well, does that mean the 2014 Mustang should be worth more?

not only that but the rear VW logo is crooked too.

That’s a big accomplishment, even if it may not feel so great right now. And the barrage of real-life struggles that hit once you’re sober are no joke. Hang in there. Sending strength from this internet stranger!

Guzzi has been coming after Guzzi since 1921.

I found myself desperately seeking neutral to alleviate my digital pain. Which would have been a little better if neutral were easy to find with the chunky shift lever. It is not.

Into space.

This. Every piece of it. If you can even vacuum it, I have no faith that you did any needed maintenance on it or really gave a crap about it. The truth is they probably “cleaned” the car for these photos.

CP for all the friggin trash in the photos.