
If I didn’t know that an electric version of these is in the works, I’d trade in my Macan immediately. And that green looks good, but you can’t do it without offering the right interior:

I have always been a big fan of wizard murals for vans.  This does not match up with any other aesthetic choice I've ever made but my instincts tell me wizard van is the best van.

Jump in. Both feet.*

I’m totally dreading Christmas Day. I am definitely far luckier than most because I don’t have to visit with any family or team anywhere, so it is basically like any other day at my house. However, I have to call all my family members and it makes me sick with stress every time.

I can’t not donate; it’s out of my hands ;-). It’s one of those things—I live a life where people think that homeless people are radically “Other.” Like it can’t happen to them because they work hard and have careers and white SUVs and shit. It can happen. So many people are one layoff away, or one addiction or mental

American Buddhism seems to be about profiteering to me. I can’t stand the white linen, new agey feel they’ve draped all over it

I keep getting rankled at all these people asking “What do you taaaalk abooout???” Seriously, no one can conceive of two people of slightly more disparate ages being engaged enough in the world to enjoy doing and discussing some of the same things? Or maybe being up for learning about something new from their

Demi is fighting her own battle. She doesn’t have the responsibility or even necessarily the ability to be the champion of anyone but herself. Addiction is a life-long life or death battle. If she can help some people along the way, then that’s great, but the only thing she owes to anyone is what she owes to herself

There is a 15 year age difference between my husband and I, me being his senior. It is not noticable to us or our close friends or family and we have been together for 16 years. The only issue we have is the snide, judgmental comments from other women. They are the ones who seem to have a problem with it.

What do they talk about? You know, the usual — soup, snow peas, the outdoors. But, really, they can talk or not talk forever.

His tunnel boring machine must have hit a major breakthrough, given the rate at which he is digging himself in a hole.

A loving relationship with your child is something you earn, not something anyone is entitled to.

Saying “I believe women” is an odd thing to say, given women are people, and people lie. For a variety of reasons. But regardless, I also agree with pretty much everything you say here. 

I will leave this gem for you to ponder:

Hey, question: Is your avatar a picture of you? I only ask because I honestly couldn’t imagine that shit-headed comment whining about the tone of an article talking about the latest mass-shooting in America coming from anyone who looks any different from that.

I’m sorry my description of five people being murdered was insufficiently cheery.

it’s possible to both do everything within our power to TAKE AWAY THEIR FUCKING GUNS and also think anyone who makes jokes about it, even in the name of omg punk rawk, is a piece of fucking shit. 

We can’t possibly know if he would die on the sun or not.  Let’s just see.

Have they released the name of the Second Amendment activist who committed this shooting?  Or what regiment of the well-regulated militia he’s from?

Yeah I know. It’s happened to me with my own family and friends. But I’m specifically talking about when a tox report or some other info comes out and gives people “permission” to disregard depression. I know lots of people who are very supportive of those suffering with mental illness—as long as they’re clean. Or