
Why is it so hard to kill *these* people? Why isn’t anyone assassinating Marco Rubio? Is it that difficult? Seems like it’s pretty easy to kill everyone else that doesn’t actually deserve it.

oh my god you are a loser.

yeah, she was fired.

When I was a kid I named our family’s new golden retriever puppy Misty after that very book!!

Does she really have a tattoo that says WOKE on her left hand?

Yet people make fun of my ॐ tramp stamp.

Also, my adopted brother married our second cousin. Not blood related, but related. Honestly, it was cool with our whole family. We knew everyone at the wedding, which was nice.

Just watch the Ken Burns “Roosevelt” documentary on Netflix (it’s really good). Fucking your cousins can lead to greatness!

What wait does the automatic kettle* let you know when it turns off? And thus I know when to start my roughly 8-10 minutes remainder? I’d be afraid to ignore it otherwise, as suggested.

Congratulations on 6.5 years!!!

Please shut the fuck up. You have no idea what you’re talking about and clearly have nothing positive to contribute when it comes to helping an addict get better.

OMG I’m still grey?! *runs around in a panic*

Do us all a favor and never ever talk to anyone struggling with addiction. Lest you advise them that their Kinja status is their measure of success in life. Asshole.

You literally just suggested someone in recovery be a bartender as a resolution to their struggle.

I know the owner of the (infamous) Roslyn Cafe. If you’re ever gonna be out that way again let me know and you’ll be well taken care of.

are those books that are all the same size or a tastefully curated compact disc collection?

That is one smug Corgi.

While I completely agree with your post you lost me here:

why the hell is Trump wearing a wrinkley pair of JNCOs at this?

some of us greys don’t belong in here. Just sayin’ :(

I totally 100% feel you on this. I lived in Arizona for a year and I could never get used to open carry. Granted, the people were very very nice - many a gun-totin’ gent would stop to compliment me on my beard, or ask about my east coast plates on my motorcycle (“did you ride that thing all the way here?!”) but holy

stars forever