Don't mess with Texas, because Texas is doing a fine job messing with itself without any help. Case in point: the…
Don't mess with Texas, because Texas is doing a fine job messing with itself without any help. Case in point: the…
Those are such abusive parents, having that processed, sugary, preservative-and-gluten-laden frankenfood in that house! And then to actually PUNISH this girl, rather than letting her navigate her unique circumstances come to her own conclusions about appropriate behavior! And then to SHAME her, by putting video of…
One last thought, on why I think I was so conflicted at the end of this experiment:
Honestly, for me it's not the weight of the term that offends but the banality of World War II jokes.
My mom's best friend's daughter went off to college three years ahead of me and not only failed out after her first year and hid it, she got them to send her her next year's tuition money and just kind of...lived in California for the next year, drinking heavily. I think they were a little freaked out by that.
I know a lot of the girls from my high school who got pregnant are doing great now. But the ones who are doing well fit this description - 1) they're white 2) they found partners who make enough for almost all of them to be SAHMs for years before returning to school 3) they come from middle to upper middle class…
I was never as happy that my mom took me to get Gardasil as I was when I had a pap smear come back abnormal. I can only imagine how terrified I would have been if I hadn't had the vaccine. Your mom sounds awesome.
FOR REAL. My mom was all about me getting Gardasil the second that thing was on the market, AND she was the one who told me to get on the pill when I was still a virgin but having cray-cray pass-out-from-pain-one-day-a-month cramps. And when I was worried about my super-Baptist friends thinking I was a ho-bag for…
I could have at 9. I will never understand these ostrich parents. Believe me, my daughter will have more sex ed than she probably will want!
YUP! High five for our moms! My dad was even the one who brought the HPV shot to my attention. He was all about me getting it before I fell off his insurance (pre ACA when I would have been much younger).
It's shit like this that make me really happy to have my mom, who told me under no uncertain terms to let her know when I wanted to go on birth control and she'd take me to the doctor, and who got me a prescription for Plan B when I was too young to get it OTC. Seriously, how is it possible that is so overprotective…
Sounds like a lot of Gawker posters.
My dad would have sent me to some re-education camp. He's a massive hippie and this purity ball shit ain't his bag.
When all the catholic girls in my hometown were getting purity rings, I sort of found myself wanting one. I was (am?) pretty materialistic although in the purity regards I suppose I'm "morally casual". Anyways, my dad bought me a ring and said "this ring should remind you that you're allowed to do whatever you feel…
Ooh, ooh! Cobb County Commissioner Bob Ott's leading core principle, per his website, is:
" I'm sure there have been just as many bad apples in the jezebel community that have advocated castrating/shooting large groups of men"
He'd still have the problem of being a creepy fuck that objectifies women.
Yes, I thought he'd be absoultely hideous the way he was brooding and whining. Was quite surprised he was pretty average-to-decent looking. (I can't really judge, not my type, far too not-a-woman) .