
I think that’s a valid question and it’s always a tricky balancing act. Whenever I’m covering a story like this I always ask myself what I’d want to know about the contents of the letter without publishing the entire thing.

The comments over on Deadspin remind me why I never watch basketball with people anymore; sports fans are mostly assholes. The level of hatred for a guy that was simply a great scorer is unbelievable. Carmelo is a HOF player, period.

Yea I am giving some serious side eye to that. Why is this external emergency button so accessible that it was “struck numerous” times?

Yeah this article is kind of stupid, it’s just more ideological purity bullshit which the left really does not need right now as it helps nobody at all.  

She only clarified that she’s not claiming membership a few days after she posted the DNA test.  Not a great look, especially since it’s totally predictable that the test results wouldn’t do shit to erode Trump’s popularity or get him to pay up on his bet.  It just seems like it accomplished nothing but to annoy

She said she wasn’t claiming membership in any tribe. She also challenged shithead trump to put his money where is mouth is and contribute the $1million to the Native Women’s Resource Center.

Yes, it’s almost as if Trump put a literal Captain Planet villain in charge of the EPA and only made him resign because his ceaseless corruption was so thoroughly in the public eye, and Trump doesn’t, in fact, deserve the benefit of the doubt on this issue.

Pretty Fucking hard not to be, give the amount of snark that’s come from that Fucking Shit Stain. But if you want to promote the Racist cunt go ahead.

Trump is America in that it thrives on bravado and symbolic gestures, rather than substance, is a bully that hides behind its military when it doesn’t get what it wants, people hate us but are forced to deal with us since we continue to spend money, engage in endless whataboutism, and are generally “fuck you, I got

It’s essential to remind White People — and everyone — that we are not singularly represented as a people by Kanye or anyone else.

I have never understood the myth and aura behind Trump. Growing up in Jersey City and Canarsie, everyone hated him.  My father raged against him and that was the going thing:  Fuck Trump.  His hotels and casinos sucked.  He was a slum lord. Yet, you would see him among the rich and famous.  Trump always reminded me of

I take calls like this at lyft and have to talk to jackasses like this every god damn day- my driver didn’t smile at me, my driver wouldn’t help me move my couch, my driver wouldn’t escort my mentally challenged underage child into the movies

Why is The Onion crossposting to The Root and why is it using the name of one of the writers from The Root? Wait...

“I know my legal rights as an American citizen who voted for Trump.”

I know.  The expression on his face when the idiot is ranting on & on just says it all.  All that drama over music -- he could have been at his destination and listening to all the music he wanted if he hadn’t decided to be a jerk.  I bet he has pulled this crap before.  All that crap about being “racially profiled”

I agree. I wanted to see it. Had I watched it and thought it was glamorizing the KKK in any way I would have stopped but I was interested in a peek behind the sheet. It does seem important to know that this goes on and how in order to try to change it. I believe there was one woman in the trailer who was no longer

This is also the not-so-subtle message Chinese people (ok, all Asian people) have received from white travelers!

uhhh justin theroux is not creepy