
This reminds me of the guy who asked me “what are you”. I listed off a bunch of things including Black, Irish, Native American...He said to me “I just don’t understand why you don’t embrace all of who you are”. Cognitive dissonance is a thing.

Because she’s not claiming membership in any tribe? I agree that she probably shouldn’t have been going around calling herself Cherokee but people are going way over the top on this shit. I’m one of those people who grew up being told that we had native blood and by the time I started to think my family made it up, it

She’s claiming membership in what now?

That sounds a bit ... illegal.

The show was supposed to be about fighting the KKK and fascism, not glorifying it. The level of hyberbole and hysteria over the show was frustrating, the title was misleading. All in all, I am very dissapointed by the whole thing. Daryle Lamont Jenkins has made fighting the KKK his lifes work. This has the potential

It’s Jezebel.

Hanks was on an awful tv show around that time. I remember watching it and shaking my head in pity for him. It was some show about two guys in drag living in a Women’s dorm. I don’t think that he got big until 1984 in I think Splash.

That’s funny, I’ve heard the opposite about Bill Murray. My daughter ran into him once and told him that he looked like Bill Murray.

No, but he *is* a family man..

That’s not reliable.

I can’t think of Travolta as being revered somehow. The only revered actor that comes to mind is Tom Hanks who is one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met. It makes me sick to think that it might be him.

You mean like Bill Cosby? Nobody is going to name someone when going up against a “family man” because nobody will want to believe it.

You lie!

It’s not that people don’t care, it’s that people in big cities don’t make a big fuss over celebrities...especially in LA and NY.

I have, unfortunately. I hope her helmet was a good one.

“So we know how that turned out.”

I did that too. I had a job where my boss told my manager that he didn’t know what he could do without me...If I showed up 15 minutes late, I got called onto the carpet. Leaving early was out of the question too. I needed to run to the bus at exactly 5:00 pm when it was my turn to pick up my young children, because,

Unless we can get FIFA to change the location!

My Step-Mother volunteers at a big cat reserve and I’ve seen this.

You can’t trust cats.