Most recruiters look at my linked in profile, see my more than 20 years experience as a graphic designer and then send me job offers as insurance salesmen.
Most recruiters look at my linked in profile, see my more than 20 years experience as a graphic designer and then send me job offers as insurance salesmen.
"Surprisingly, the thirty recruiters tracked over the ten-week study spent nearly a fifth of their time (19%) on a LinkedIn profile looking at the profile photo."
What was interesting to me after clicking through to the source article - the dog did escape, so it's not like he was just running around off leash, the neighbor immediately called 911 when the attack happened (off camera), and voluntarily submitted the dog to Animal Control for observation. This leads me to believe…
It's not the cats' faults that babies taste like ham. Maybe if people stopped having ham babies, cats wouldn't try to eat them.
Yes and yes. One of the many problems with the sex offender list.
HOWEVER, if you tail 1000 black people and 1000 white people, you will find more criminals in the black ones.
People owned slaves and yet they hated them. It's not like he had to treat them as equals.
Fuck this motherfucker. I bet he likes Kinja too.
Your math is way off, and you dont patrol crime based on per capita, you do it based on ACTUAL crime.
Though I'm not familiar with BunnyZea's specific testimonial regarding Barbara's character, I can also vouch for her attribution of the word "cunt" to Barbara, as I too was a student at Brentwood High School during "Dr. Winfrey's" egregious tenure. I do not have a personal story to share of such magnitude, but one…
I'm not a huge Oprah fan because I think she gets a little too supportive of some whackadoos on her show (Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, Jenny McCarthy). But I do think she is a genuinely good person and clearly a very talented and successful businesswoman. So it's things like this that make me want to pretend I'm Oprah's…
I've been super outspoken with what happened to me. I'm google-able and have spoken out on Dateline and The Today Show (right after Michio Kaku... I was science-swooning). Its part of how I fight back against all the slut-shaming and victim-blaming that is par for the course with other people who have been through…
Holy fuck. This woman sounds like a bitchy, petty, self important cow.
I have a few observations of Barbara Winfrey - she was an assistant principal at my high school.
I'm not saying Oprah is innocent of all charges but, so far, it sounds like she was right to not trust this lady and keep assets from potentially falling into her hands (i.e. letting them live in but not giving them the house).
"'She was a horrible decorator. Money cannot buy you taste. She would put plaid with stripes and all sorts.'"
...and as much as I supported the general idea behind OWS, this guy is emblematic of the sort of Straw-Activist that FOX News and other outlets kept insisting drove the movement.
But percentages do not make sense in reasoning for profiling. If white people are MOST offenders, logically and mathematically it makes no sense to profile any group that represents less than MOST offenders more often than that MOST category.
This happens more often than people know. Ive had it happen to me, even. Being stopped, cuffed with an officers boot on your back in front of your neighbors (while his partner, gun in hand, threatens family members and neighbors asking wtf is going on) is something that African Americans who move to or live in…