
Wait, 3/4 of us weren't even born during the Civil Rights movement?

I was mixed and adopted by white people. They claimed racism didn't exist. My white adopted brother would call me nigger, and to try to get him to see it was wrong she would lecture him on how he had black half brothers. Now that i'm learning about the racism thing on the internet it seems less like the intent was

OK, I currently live in Alabama, and racism is still a HUGE problem here. I hear the word "nigger" or "nig" from a white person a few times a week, and am constantly having to tell people who assume that I'm just as racist as they are because I'm also white that they can go fuck themselves. HOWEVER, this guy really is

Argh. This has been so blown out of proportion and context. This guy was the one who introduced the bill to legalize interracial marriage in Alabama.

Jesus, take the wheel!

Ahem, Azor Ahai Reborn! Will it be Jon Snow? Daenerys? Hodor?

Obviously the red moon is a sign of the coming of R'llor and his warrior Azor Ahai!

I have to confess. I liked the French version of The Returned. I thought it was great! I also thought a lot of questions were left unanswered and that was douchey.

All you need to know is that if you watch Les Revenants first, all of the other media listed here will leave you feelings jaded and disappointed

Marchman and I were just talking about this, and it feels like something has to give at some point. I mean, we've got eight years of reports like this ahead of us, and a World Cup in Qatar is basically untenable from a soccer standpoint as well. You can't play sports outside during the Qatari summer, and the heads of

If you click through to the report and go to page 15, there's a sidebar with fatality numbers for World Cup and Olympic construction projects in other countries. Seven workers died during Brazil's World Cup construction.

So if I worked as a photographer for a respectable, large media company, I could hire a bunch of models to do a photo shoot near the edge off a cliff and tell them to take a few more steps away from the camera while facing me and smiling, and if someone follows my directions (not wanting to get a reputation as a

I have a brother who has autism (diagnosed by multiple real doctors) and who was not vaccinated. Instead of making my mother think that maybe vaccines don't cause autism after all, she thinks my father and grandmother conspired to have him secretly vaccinated during a trip to the ER for a bad cut when he was three

You didn't click the link did you? The shit-for-brains sentence construction was on purpose.

I really wish you vaccinate your children sheep would consider the science out there that explains how vaccines cause autism!

Anywhere you want... As long as you get it over the railing. The poop deck is only used by guests.

Over the past couple of months, you've heard that they don't exist. But they do exist, even in Sochi— you just have to know where to look for them. And here at the Mayak cabaret, you'll find plenty of them. Despite Russia's repressive laws, you only need to walk through the doors of this bar to discover the truth:

Not included: the plastic bag you should use to store the printed version of this guide, so you can read it when you fall through ice.

Yeah, those Black girls should just lighten up. Better luck next time Blackies!