Totally awesome!
Totally awesome!
Mothers need to explain these things to their sons before they send them out into the world to partner with real women.
"If anyone's considering heading down to the comments and pontificating about how 14-year-old CHILDREN should know better than to be pressured into sexual situations by fully-grown adults, kindly go eat some bees instead."
Yeah, I know. You are 100% correct. I was being sarcastic.
You just called my children dumb, narcissistic and vapid attention whores? Wow. They are much nicer people than you are.
What's the deal with calling millennials lazy? I may be baised, as the parent of two millennials, but these kids (not these kids as in Kony2012, but millennials in general) impress the heck out of me.
That's both disturbing & sad.
Why would I want to purchase Benefit cosmetics after this shit? When Reebok aired an ad to the song "Keep young & beautiful if you want to be loved" (insert comma due to broken comma key here) I tried calling them but I couldn't get through. I can only assume that other people were flipping out least I hope…
Right. It isn't relative but they did specify a body type. Small women with large breasts. It makes sense.
Another thing to add to the list of stupid shit women do to their bodies for clueless men! I'm tempted to add the Brazilian to the list.
Your post made me giggle. Good for you!
Isn't "Consensual Parenting" the way that children were raised until Dr. Spock came along?
It's sad that so many people didn't get the joke. I learned yesterday that Canadians have no sense of humor. This makes me sad.
Seriously? #1 - Skinny people have plenty of gyms to work out in already. Just because you're excluded from a gym for fat people doesn't mean that you can't work out. Or, in other words, what?
Michael Hayes is a friend of mine. He says that I am not fat enough to take his class (and I'm not exactly skinny). He says that I am "largish".
Yes, I saw them in Starbucks. I made eye contact with her and everything and then I went outside and swooned. (Straight girl crush)
Like Anderson Cooper, she isn't in the closet, she hasn't denied it, everyone close to her, every New Yorker who has been lucky enough to lay eyes on her wonderfulness (me) and just about everybody knows that she is gay. She hasn't made a public announcement about her private life. That's her choice. Just living your…
Yes, I think that we can agree on that.
I found online dating really stressful and consequently will never do it again. I wouldn't be likely to do this either, but it sounds allot better. You can look someone in the eye and hopefully determine if they are a stalker or a jerk without wasting all of that time chatting with them online.