Some people are too stupid to breed.
Some people are too stupid to breed.
I love how she says "That's not normal" about someone taking a kid into a tanning booth. You know what's not normal? Your face! Oh my god. God have mercy.
Why does the author think that gaslighting is something that only young men do?
I don't understand why some people even take Sociology or Anthropology. If you are going to be upset or offended by cultural differences, different opinions, feminist thought, black studies, religious studies or anything that doesn't fit your world view, you should probably just go bury your head in the sand…
I had to stop reading after the first chapter because it made me want to read the book and I don't want to know the details.
Because it's cross-posted from Jezebel? Here's an idea, don't read this crap.
I have quite a few male friends and I've only slept with a couple of them...what's the big deal?
I raised my son to be a good partner to someone else. He is.
Yep: 1) If you use Prell, it will gradually strip the color from your hair. Very gradually. Maybe leaving on your hair overnight will help. Maybe. 2) COLOR OOPS (or similar products) works really well. You may have to do it a few times and use a rinse in between lightening it because doing it more than once in a day…
I started going gray in my late 20's. I started dying my hair when I was 32 and somebody told me that I looked much older.
I care more about the economy too. Then again, I'm past menopause and I want grandchildren right now.
He's hot!
Oh, hell no.
If she had ever had a Black friend, she would know that no Black hair product would ever cloud her pool...ever.
That really sucks! Shudder.
Having American Express or Visa should help with this...My parents always made sure that I had a card and I always made sure that my kids had one too. Global Assist/Travel assis can be a lifesaver when all your shit gets stolen.
I am one month away from being officially menopausal - that means one year without a period. It's been fantastic.
Do you by any chance have any kind of source that you can provide me on OC Concentration and the amount of pain perceived by the average individual?
Yes, that is correct. By not moving, they were doing something that we call civil disobedience which you might remember from the 60's. Arrest worthy but not pepper spray worthy.