
@labeled: Yes, and I never said otherwise. Just kind of pointing out that it's obviously useless to argue the point, isn't it? It isn't going to stop being something that seems a way to judge motive and to tag bad people for you, and to some of us, it isn't going to become something important when put into this

@labeled: Yeah, I guess those of us who use a social networking tool catering to spontaneity and don't double-check our spelling when upset with just have to remain assholes for you. Sorry!

@madeofawesome: It's also harder when you have another friend of the same name but spelled differently. You can have a tendency to spell it the way you're most used to, no matter which one you're referring to. I have a friend, Stacy, and I keep sticking an e in there before correcting myself.

@femme-bot: I think it's more that her legs seem to be crossed closer to her knees, not her ankles. If your thighs aren't touching a bit, then, well...congrats?

@erinna: I claim the day after that!

@RodetheTrolleywithStanwyck: I'm sorry. This doesn't add anything to the conversation, but I have to say it. You just made me laugh harder than I have in years.

@A Small Turnip: Heehee. Thanks. I flap my hands and everything.

@A Small Turnip: I do the cloud run naked, the rare times I wear perfume. Does that help with the perfume working properly, or do I look even more stupid than everybody else doing it when they have their clothes on?

@Scout: My exact thought. He is the bar by which I measure men as potential mates. I'm pretty sure I'll be single forever.

@BreeDMN: Yeah, if that's what 20 lbs. overweight is supposed to look like, I'm screeeeeeeewwwwed.

@Dancingfrog: Sorry...I may have injected that tone into your post myself. I've seen so many "Cute, I want one!" post, but I've seen almost as many "ZOMG, no way he should be there he should be in the wild what a horrible person!" posts. Both can be misguided, definitely the former.

@Dancingfrog: Like I said, this woman has to have been trained in wildlife rescue. I have not been. Therefore, I must assume that she knows better what the best course is for this little otter for survival in whatever environment he will permanently live.

@andromache: My guess is its a rescue case and may not be able to live successfully in the wild, or even in an exhibit (adult otters aren't very nice) at this age. Like someone said before, this lady seems to work at a marine park. You do have to have a permit to keep an otter, and it entails having at least two years

You're right...Meyer's dress is a little odd. I can't help but think it would have been an improvement if the sleeves had been solid black, though. #newmoon

I have ridiculous amounts of love for you. #cyndilauper