
I think they’ve started doing reservation-type stuff where I live, but I’m in a college town, so things get competitive in the free box area.

Ahhh, apologies, then. I misunderstood you. I read it as referring to piercing girls' ears as an infant, which is still pretty common in some areas.

I don't frequent Reddit, so I can't speak to people there. Anecdotally, though, I do personally know men who feel they have been negatively affected by their circumcisions.

Other than the potential risks, including loss of sensitivity affecting sexual function, over an aesthetic preference that you're pushing on a baby who can't consent? It's not like an ear piercing, which I don't support doing with babies, either. Not my dick, not my ears, not my right to make that decision, even as a

She has a doctorate in Human Sexuality, the subject she teaches at the University of Montana. She also has a practice as a licensed clinical sex therapist. If you want her sources for the information she gives, ask her, and she'll probably tell you if she had the time. She isn't the sort to pull things like that out

In my experience, that is a pretty special location.

There's a reason my husband calls it The Honkey Drum. she less dense than an apple?

Let me put it this way, just for fun and I like numbers. If you have one $1 bill, your chances are about .0000000417% of it being one of the winning bills. If you have one thousand of them, it's a .00000417% chance that you have one on you. Granted, that's a relatively large increase, but it's effectively kinda not

Cash, especially small bills, changes hands so quickly that it's very possible for that money to travel pretty far pretty quickly.

There are so many dollars that the odds would change very, very little for the vast majority of people depending on how many singles they have. Most people don't have thousands of them. That's why these are estimated odds. I'm not pulling them out of my ass, by the way. This is from the company running the contest.


Your odds of finding the correct one are the odds of any given dollar because, well, that's the odd of you having any given dollar. It has almost nothing to do with population size (other than how that effects the number of bills printed), because a large amount of money is not with individuals in the population at

And feel free to delete it. It wan't nice to post. I'm just a stats person and tend to gravitate toward that sort of thing.

Yeah, I just didn't think the estimated odds would be as bad as they are. (1: 2,400,000,000). I'll still dream, 'cause it isn't 0.

And here's where I'm the shittiest person on earth. According to their rules page, you have a way better chance of winning the Mega Millions jackpot than getting one of these. *hides under a rock*

This is hella interesting.

My mom is in her late 60's, and I have never gotten the "r" out of her fajita. She says "fra-hee-ta". I love you, mom, you're the bestest mom ever, but THERE'S NOT EVEN AN "R" IN THE SPELLING!

Oh, I love the region, too. I've spent huge amounts of time there, especially with my grandpa when I was younger. I meant it more as it was complicated, and I wish Campfield didn't keep getting elected. I was duly corrected and will be leaving now.

Kat, please feel free to dismiss my original comment and all the negativity I apparently started. Wasn't my intent.