
C. J. Cherryh’s Foreigner series is brilliant and so so underrated. Although, Foreigner itself is a bit of a rocky introduction because the pacing is weird. But seriously, I’ve been rereading the series lately and it just moves from strength to strength.

If McKinley ever finds a second story to tell about Sunshine and Con, I will be the first in line to buy it. The original is a perfect little gem. It actually doesn’t need a sequel. The world is so marvellous and I want more time in it, though.

I definitely have (unearned) thin privilege, and it's definitely not because I "eat right and exercise." I do neither, actually. And, you know, I never really thought about it. I had friends and family who struggled with weight, but I never knew what that was like. Every holiday party, at least one aunt or cousin

I hope it's ok to put in my $0.02.

I'm a vet. I have never docked a tail or cropped ears. I've worked in a lot of clinics and very few actually do these procedures anymore. It's become very difficult to find a vet to do it. Most of us agree wholeheartedly with this article.

If childless women are "selfish", then everybody better make peace with the fact that that makes Kim Kardashian selfless.

I love Cracker Barrel for its Pecan Pancakes, and I must live in a weird place because Honkies are definitely in the minority at the location I like to go.

I fucking hate that place so much. When I was 12, my sister and I were on a forced visit to my father and stepmother's place in Shitsville, GA (where I was known as "Alan's Yankee Daughter" for being from Maryland) and for the entire goddamned trip the only restaurant we could eat at was Cracker Barrel, because my

I have never heard this before, but by god I am going to remember it (every month or so we get up at six am on my only day off to go to church with my husband's grandma, and the whole family goes to Cracker Barrel after. It is hokey in the extreme and full of people as described in the story [the jerks and

I have never been to this Cracker Barrel place, they don't have any restaurants in California. I just looked them up to see what the food is like, but also found articles about prior lawsuits. Apparently the company has a long history of discrimination, no thanks. Now I understand why your hubby gave them that

I love Cracker Barrel so much! We don't have them in Canada... every time we're in the 'States we eat at only two places: Waffle House and Cracker Barrel. Loves it.

Please, leave us to our innumeracy.

Counterpoint: when you don't win the lottery, the money spent on tickets was money basically thrown out a window. Here no money is wasted because even if you don't win you still get tacos!

this sounds way more impossible than when I won free pizza for a year. All I had to do to get that was camp out in a parking lot overnight in the winter in Wisconsin. I have decent camping gear so that wasn't that big a deal. After we brushed a foot of snow off the tent the next morning my youngest did ask for ice

Now you're thinking outside the bun!


i think you mean: the shittiest person on earth, except for the person who finds one and eats a lifetime supply of taco bell.

I'll just try both, either way I'm looking at a lifetime of Taco Bell.