Nolan Ryan Reynolds Wrap

Krystal? Did she lose her taste buds at an early age or something? White Castle people don’t even eat Krystal.

The acoustics in the Dome aren’t any worse than any other arena, and if you pay for good seats, it sounds just fine. (source: audio engineer for nearly 20 years).

It’s definitely not unsafe or a bad place to see a game as you mention...and in fact it’s one of the better arenas to be in if you’re in the upper bowl, as those are still great seats for the most part. BUT it lacks luxury boxes and a lot of the other modern moneymaking facilities that the newer arenas have, not to

I feel like if we get him in a room with Trump, they might cancel out. Like a singularity of oafishness would immediately form in the room, as the fabric of space and time couldn’t contain it all in such a small space and implodes. Let’s organize this summit immediately.

underrated comment. bring back the COTDs!

Every one of those guys has at least one, and often several financial advisors. Some of them aren’t too bright mind you, but I’d love to know what he was buying with all those loans, and why someone didn’t mention something to him before he was forced to take out a loan for 4 fucking million dollars.

Crippling is right. I counted exactly one bucket in that entire video. Can’t fix stupid.

Even psychopaths have empathy”

“an unexpected tie”

Watch like 4 minutes of The Snowman, there’s your answer

No one even does that, they just jerk off to a picture of Ted Williams and go out and PLAY THE GAME THE RIGHT WAY

Everyone knows that was a stunt head, and Kennedy is alive to this day, after spending several years playing Paul McCartney, who as we all know died in ‘67. 2 years later he helped fake the moon landing, and a few years after that, planted the evidence in the Watergate hotel. In the final irony, the very people that

Yeah this is every airline man. I feel for you and that’s a lot of fucking cake but it’s been this way for YEARS. It’s a fucked policy but it’s up to you and me to know about it.

Also like a 3+ week heads up, even if they were remotely serious...I mean you have to believe that if by some miracle they do have something super incriminating out there, surely they have a plan in place to make it disappear in under 24 hours if need be.

It’s such an old Republican/Hannityesque move, it’s embarrassing they even use it matter what the issue is, just pivot to “and what [Democrat they don’t like] doesn’t seem to understand is that those aren’t the values that our founding fathers put down on paper, and it’s not why our troops continue to


Does 1st have to be empty? What if there’s a guy on 1st, but sees the passed ball...can he take off for 2nd, and the batter can take 1st?

Only problem is that even if you have a great celebration, you come down from the high and realize that you’ve just wasted an hour and a half of your life playing soccer.

Counterpoint: almost all US airlines are shit, and Delta is among the worst. Not that there’s much difference (or competition) these days...but I fly somewhat regularly and if you talk to 50 people in an average airport, you will people that have had absolute horror story flights on Delta, American, United, Southwest,

“highwaters to show off the socks and shoes”