Nolan Ryan Reynolds Wrap

There are only 2 weddings where no booze is allowed:

Hockey fans on the whole don’t “love” to see fights, we love to see good hockey. The Slapshot-style of goon hockey has been over for some time, and the NHL definitely does not approve of it. They’ve come down harder on fighting in the last decade than ever before. Roughly 4 out 5 games do not feature a fight, and the

I would love to know in what universe you think the NHL is in any way like NASCAR other than beginning with the letter N.

No, I’m minimizing bad behavior when it’s minimally bad. Yeah, she shouldn’t have been fooling around with someone on her staff, but really at the end of the day, it’s bush league. As far as I can tell, no one was getting jerked around, or blackmailed, or anything else. Meanwhile, there’s a psychopath who has clearly

The fucking stones on RedState, forcing someone to resign for doing a little fooling around (inappropriate as it may have been) while the pussy grabber continues to habitually lie about even the tiniest thing. Republicans absolutely astound me with their major league level of hypocrisy and doublethink.

Still not sure what the point of this was...surely they knew he’d be booed, and there is a 0% chance he enjoys baseball, or even knew the teams involved. It’s not like anyone watching would suddenly go “Oh jeez, I know this pathetic, sad creature who lies to us literally every single day is a dickhead, but wait, he

PREACH. Hey Kinja, who the hell ever thought this was a good idea? I read a couple of your pages pretty much daily but this makes me want to stop. Autoplay videos are obnoxious, stupid shit. Kill that stuff immediately.

“Yeah, like Jay-Z”

How the sweet fuck do we turn off autoplaying videos? No one, no one, no one, but no one likes that shit.

Fleetwood Mac better than the Beatles? Did you type this with a straight face? Oh, but then I kept reading and saw that Steely Dan made the list at all, which immediately cancels out the entire thing so I guess just go about your business. Also I’m not sure how The Cars, Yes, The Police and Van Halen are considered

Yeah never understood the hate for Joe Buck. No, he’s not Vin Scully or somebody, but he has never been irritating to listen to, and generally speaking knows what he’s talking about, which I think is all we can ask of any sports broadcaster. Consider for a second that Booger McFarlane has a job in this industry as

Always one edgelord who needs to be the first to tell everyone his take on other people’s takes. Thanks for being quick about it, we were all waiting with baited breath to see when you’d come out and bless us with your guidance.

Just so we’re clear: like everything on Red Bull TV, a bunch of rich white people put themselves in danger for no reason, and spent thousands of dollars to do so, and we’re supposed to be impressed because they did something that 17 people on the entire planet even have the opportunity to do (or care about), and did

Some more suggestions: (some of which I’d actually pay to see)

Ahh, weird. Why not just use whole numbers? And who gets to decide how “hard” something is? Do they just get real awesome climbers to try it and they vote or something?

Oh so 5.14 is “higher” than it’s a decimal system but for whatever reason doesn’t use regular decimals. Like that’s a 14 and not .14?

Just a heads up, you may have to be a Prime user to get this deal. Beside the price there was a little message that said “this offer is currently available to eligible customers.”

Just a heads up, you may have to be a Prime user to get this deal. Beside the price there was a little message that

It’s a dumb joke, but he’s not wrong...I constantly wonder what kind of state-secrets level of shit they think they have going on. 4 seconds after they whisper the super secret code over the radio, the players line up and then immediately execute that play, thereby more or less giving away what the plan was. And it’s

What makes you think Jordan Peterson supports violence against women?

So let me understand this...the difference between elite climbers and 8 year olds is 0.5 on a scale that goes to...well, at least 5.6? What the hell is a 3 like? Scaling K2 solo, naked, with another person on your back?