Hahaha!!! I still don’t even know how those fucking guns work with can shot robots but not shoot humans. There was an episode where young William got shot but it just hits and bruises you. But that answer didn’t make me happy.
Hahaha!!! I still don’t even know how those fucking guns work with can shot robots but not shoot humans. There was an episode where young William got shot but it just hits and bruises you. But that answer didn’t make me happy.
Ohhhhh fetlife!!! The stories I could tell from when I was on fetlife.
Naw. If I have to live out “Westworld” I would at least like some sex and to kill a few things myself first.
They didn’t put a wig on her because it would have revealed the mystery of the Melania body double.
If they’re going to go to the bother of putting a realistic face on the damn thing, I don’t think a ventilated wig or kerchief is too much to ask for.
Here’s the thing: you calling someone a “total bitch” is a thousand times more overtly insulting than anything else on this thread. You’re the asshole in the room.
We sincerely need mental health screening for POTUS candidates. As someone with mental health problems I don’t take that recommendation lightly. But we have crossed a line that needs to be a one time lesson. Something is wrong with him, mentally and/or physically, that is hurting this country.
He seems to pick a word and stick with it—like he’s learning language all over again (which some stroke or head injury patients may have to do) or even for the first time. He’s been calling that tax cut “beautiful” and saying it’s a “big, beautiful Christmas present” or something like that. I suppose if you’re…
Don’t bait him. He’ll do it.
These same motherfuckers also claim that blacks never had it worse than whites, because someone called their granddad “Paddy” once.
It’s the same people that would refer to any Mexican male they see as Jose and then wonder why people find them offensive. “What? It’s just a name!”
I’ve fucking had it up to here with all the people looking around incredulously, pretending to be stupefied that the word “Pocahontas” is now somehow off-limits. It’s not the word itself, you nitwits, and you damn well know it.
I’m COMPLETELY sure he thought that the veterans would cheer him on when he made that slur. He’s that ignorant.
I think this is like, “Don’t think of an elephant.” He’s so overwhelmingly racist that even being in the room with a person of color sets off the racist synapses in his brain and guarantees that something bigoted will make its way into the other bile that spews from his mouth.
Him hosting these heroes underneath a portrait of Andrew Jackson makes it seem like he was going into it with the intention of trolling on behalf of the Alt-Reich. 😒
Next thing you know he’ll intentionally omit reference to Jews on Holocaust Remembrance Day. Nobody would be that stupid/overtly racist. Ha!
Ah yes, correcting and moving on. Not blowing a totally disproportional nutty at all, “It’s only embarrassing to you. So maybe instead of being a total bitch about it, if you’re so horrified by an adult (you don’t even know if this person is an adult, or a woman) you just correct them and move on. You’re judging them,…
Admit it, own it, funny gif. This is how adults recover from a super minor mistake. Well done.
*person who refers to someone else as extra and judgmental is actually super extra and judgmental*