
You want to embarrass owners of fine, exotic automobiles.

Never thought I’d see the day when Toyota will build the STI that Subaru wont. What a world.

Although it hasn’t happened yet, this already looks boring as heck.

I had so many things wrong with his response, or lack thereof, I wasn’t sure where to begin. He was quick to gloss over the glaring fact that the company hasn’t delivered anything (including in Vietnam). I was (rightly) corrected for comparing the Intel chip site in Ohio to Foxconn in Wisconsin, but this Vinfast plan

VinFast sounds like a competitor of Carfax, not an automobile manufacturer.

I love the implication here that a car company from Vietnam wouldn’t have the wherewithal to develop a car for such a dramatically different climate as ... North Carolina.

But you are the exception and not the rule. Most people want to buy a car like they want to buy pretty much everything else they buy and want it either right then or with two day shipping. Waiting a year or more, which is what it’s taking in the current car buying climate, is a big ask of anyone. Add on top of that

I think some politicians just do things to say they did them. This may not change anyone’s party vote, but may help solidify their base and give them a chance to say “look I did a thing!” without actually doing anything. More important to get a popular tweet than do the hard work of crafting actual legislation.

7 spokes

Why did you do this to me!?!

These Corolla wheels trigger my OCD like none other

First you hate cars now you want so see people’s lives destroyed. How nice.

Manual transmissions are overrated for daily driving.

I think the bigger looming issue is student loan debt. Borrowers have enjoyed 0% interest and deferred minimum payments for 2+ years. Of those borrowers, how many have continued to pay their loans, hoping to get ahead? How many have splurged on needless other items assuming the windfall is going to last forever? I

Fold the third row and pretend it’s not there. 

To quote my grandfather, “Don’t matter if the egg hits the rock or the rock hits the egg.... it ain’t too good for the egg.”

Whether they had that disposition or made a horrible mistake despite appropriate diligence, the physics in the situation would be the same.

My mother, sister, and I are all avid readers and I recently asked them how often they encounter spelling and grammatical errors in books, we all agreed it was an alarming amount considering print media presumably has to go through an editor before it is published. My mom brought up how many errors she finds in online

Idk what this guy expected. This was an inevitable outcome.  

The best way to avoid this kind of traffic is to support a locally-owned chicken place that serves tastier food, is likely owned by a member of your local area, and doesn’t publicly, proudly discriminate against the LGBTQ community.