
off by about a hundred years, man.

Because the people who can afford new SUVs and pickup trucks can generally afford to absorb the higher cost of gas (and if they can’t they have bigger problems).

I think I speak for everyone when I say that the thing we want most is no more slideshows!

What would you like to see more of at Jalopnik as a site?

Do your own fucking job instead of asking your readers to do it for you.

No slideshows for an entire week!

Look, they can comeback and race but we must pass a law that all models that run a rally must be sold to the American public. I can’t take not being able to get a gr Yaris.

Cars may be safer from a crash test point of view...but there are also a lot of huge cars and trucks, and cars that are obscenely fast, and some that are both huge and insanely fast.  Combine that with a low point of entry to get/keep a drivers license and a lot of people who drive like selfish, reckless idiots, and

Maybe it’s time we start increasing our driving standards?

These things are highly prized by RV folk even still today. And don’t let those 70's-era interiors deter you; There’s a company in Michigan called Cinnibar that restores, modernizes, and upfits these units to dramatic effect. I encourage everyone to take a few minutes looking at some of their work under Renovations on

China wouldn’t be interested in pulling the plug on the U.S., mostly because that would hurt its own economy, but also because China itself depends on U.S. allies like Australia and Chile for raw materials.

The dealerships need to employ secret shoppers like other industries do.

I spent 7+ years working at McDonald’s, and we lived in constant fear of “the shopper”. We were a franchise store, but we could get royally screwed by corporate if we got shopped and didn’t meet our criteria. It happened a few times. Managers were

It’s Raph though so it might not be /s

You’re not wrong, but this is Modern Era Jalopnik. Bad takes abound and journalism doesn’t matter.

Tesla’s range lead is because they don’t play it safe. Their range ratings are like horsepower ratings in the 60s, way over optimistic and not representative of the real world. They haven’t learned the hard way that you need to under promise and over deliver like mainstream auto makers have. Don’t worry, their time

“Elon Musk hates government regulation and yet his company keeps offering the best argument for it.”

Wake me up when this all ends.

All of us are commenting and clicking, so once again we have fallen into the trap.

It was peak Raph.