
Yeah, thats not how that works, at all.  Unvax people don’t cause mutations and spreading.  The majority of covid spread is currently via fully vaxed breakthrough cases.  Take a deep breath and try to stop hating other humans.

Are Macan’s not cool?

1st Gear: Why was this ever a functionality in the first place? They literally programmed their self driving system to break the law.

The Dodge Journey is proof that you don’t have to make a good car for it to sell, it just needs to be 20% cheaper than its competition. In a world of 40K RAV-4's, Mitsu could print money with this thing if they keep it cheap.

He’s a witch! Burn him!

I’ve recently gone from keyless to key and back to keyless, not a big deal.  I’m fine going back to key anytime.

Like most every other comment, I will say carbs.

Putting a key in the door to unlock it then putting the key into the ignition to start it. The car I drove 14 out of the last 15 years at least had keyless entry but now that I’ve experienced the life of just walking up to the car door, having the doors automatically unlock when I put my hand in the handle, then

Tuning and sync’ing carbs. Its not that its particularly difficult if you know what you’re doing. I just have no idea what I’m doing. I was raised on fuel injection. Bosch K and LH jetronic. I could write a book about those. Diagnose a failed fuel distributor or AMM (MAF) from across a parking lot.

Why waste capacity and effort building something that barely breaks even when you can do the same and make $10k per unit?

Free electricity to all through large towers spaced out around the US. Good times. Also, the AC/DC war and public battles, which ironically lead to the invention of the electric chair.

Lack of global standards that lead to additional engineering / certification costs to deal with patchwork local legislation.

Hey look, a giant SUV that drinks gas, makes a lot of noise and sells for more than my annual income. 

Seriously, they are only 15 years or so late to this game.

The only surprise is that it took them this long to do it.

It’s contrary to human perceptual neuroanatomy. Either a task is ‘on’ or it is ‘off’. It requires a much higher stimulus threshhold, to switch from a non-driving ‘on’ task, back to the driving ‘on’ task, when we recognize a threat, than it does to monitor the progress of that driving ‘on’ task in consciousness.

While most partial automation systems have some safeguards in place to help ensure drivers are focused and ready, none of them meets all the pending IIHS criteria.

Perhaps Jason could do a deep dive on this new ratings system.

Raph is one of those “all or nothing” types. That works well for getting people talking about stuff (which is his job), but doesn’t work for solving problems. The fact that the oil and gas industry has reduced emissions dramatically is a good thing. Period. Full Stop. We still need oil and gas in today’s world and

I can’t wait for the think pieces from the same “green” media bashing the lithium industry in 20 years