
Didn’t realize Swift was getting into container ships

I’m glad I’m not the only one wondering who let Austin Powers drive the ship.

So it drew a dick, then got stuck in the mouth of the Suez and there aren’t enough seamen with enough thrust to push it out. And the longer it’s in there, the more screwed we are...

I think I had this as a Hot Wheels when I was a kid without ever knowing WTF it was. Matchbox and Maisto would have just told me on the bottom, but Hot Wheels was like “THE CURSE OF IGNORANCE IS WHAT YOU GET FOR THROWING AWAY OUR CLEARLY DISPOSABLE PACKAGING, YOU SNOT NOSED LITTLE SHIT!”

China is currently holding two Canadian businessmen (known as the two Michaels) on fake charges in retaliation for Canada carrying out a US extradition request on Meng Wanzhou.

When half the staff spends a good amount of time trolling the readership, it doesn’t portend well for things. 

The readership on this site are idiots... and it’s not getting better. This car is going to be perfect in its segment.

Everyone on this site: “I want a fast, stylish-but-not-overstyled, 300-400hp car with RWD, a manual transmission, and relatively analog underpinnings. I also want it for cheap.”

This is like the anti-Supra. Understated instead of over-styled, distinct nods to its heritage. Give it the 400hp TT V6 and a stick, price it in the low-40s to compete with the Mustang GT and undercut the I6 Supra, and you’d have to win hearts and minds of enthusiasts everywhere, right?

Buyer “I would like to test drive a Spark.”

Like the eGolf, 500e, BEV smartcar, bolt, spark EV, soul EV, leaf, focus EV, and whatever else I am missing? All of which can be found lightly used under $20k and a new Bolt in the low 20s.

They already exist, just not in this country. Sadly anything small and reasonable and hatchback just gets canceled here. So while a $25k EV might exist, we will get the $30k-35k CUV EV instead.

Yeah, I am wondering if dealerships no longer having to sell whats on their lot can help with reducing the need to haggle on prices and offer customers what they want rather than whats nearby. It could really change the upfront costs of dealerships and turn them into something more like a showroom-only model.

In another picture you can still read “Jucy” on the back of the tent.

They REFUSED to publish my story about my Miata getting locked to a Supercharger! It’s been there 7 months, still on E. 

When Tesla stops crapping out $hitboxes maybe Jalopnik coverage will be more favorable.

You don’t enjoy the immersive experience of hearing and seeing your coworkers snacking on potato chips?

No joke, the biggest silver lining of the pandemic is our company putting on indefinite hold the previous plan to move to an open office with shared desks etc.

A cubicle farm would be a fucking dream compared to the current open-office environment.

1st Gear: I think a lot of companies are going to be rethinking their approach to office work after this pandemic. Most employees show increased productivity working from home, and businesses can save money by limiting office space.