
Market speculators? It was the de facto means of on-demand transportation literally for decades, enacted and upheld by these city governments. I too would be pissed as all hell if I made the investment to buy in to that system, only to watch the cities bend over backwards for these “disruptors” whose only true

I can speak specifically on the Fiero, and why parts can be piece-meal when it comes to third party. It’s mostly licensing fees from General Motors, which are utterly astronomical and possibly comical.

Use of the word “shall” is common in regulatory guidelines and is used to indicate a firm requirement.  Whereas the word “should” indicates a recommendation or suggestion.

I would feel a lot better about this if they made vehicle weight a factor as well. If we are going to get into the nitty gritty of taxing people based on how much they use the road, then it should account for the exponential increase in wear applied by heavier vehicles.

All Vapor is his new hydrogen vehicle company.

drivers have become incredibly aggressive

As I was reading the request, I think my expression slowly changed to this:

What apple could bring, and I wish they would bring but probably can’t because they’d never work with android, is a car OS.

It sorta is a rather dumb list, also everything basically lines up with maybe a slight difference between them?

Maersk is taking on the ship issue, 2040 or 2050 for carbon neutral.

“The transportation sector is the largest source of these emissions”

I’m working on that! But these clouds aren’t going to yell at themselves.

I’m not shocked at all!

The biggest problem with Silicon Valley “disruptions” is that these people think they are the smartest people in the country when often they don’t know shit about what they are doing.

Thusly is the problem with our system as it is today.  We can’t do a damn thing simply because it’s the right thing to do.  It doesn’t matter how obviously beneficial, needed, or common sense the issue is.  If someone who splats the letter “D” by their name mentions it, everyone who splats the letter “R” by their name

Methinks perhaps you should have written about these screaming deals after you finalized your own.

Its amazing because just .6T more would create jobs for millions which is better than a 1 shot $1200 check, and for those who did not get new infrastructure jobs, they still get to reap the benefits. 

it’s not that we don’t have the tax revenue, it’s that we spend it on F-35s and missiles to sell to isreal and saudi arabia, instead of spending it on fixing up our own home.

Here’s the reason our infrastructure and so on suck: Because for some reasons we Americans at large seem to view taxes of ANY form as horribly eeevvville. Its become a 3rd rail topic. And it makes no sense. Some crabby old white guy who probably voted for Trump will go out there and get a flat tire on his truck due to

We can spend $1.9T on extremely wasteful one-shot stimulus but we won’t commit $2.5T on significantly improving the infrastructure of this country?  Both political parties in this country are fucking useless.