
See, your problem is that you actually attempt to view a Gawker site from your mobile.

Actually they *do* have it on the right side.

You guys need to stop pretending Tesla isn’t making Autopilot seem like it is more than it truly is. They are most definitely purposely trying to be deceptive with it. For god’s sake, it literally says “Full Self-Driving Capability” as the title of the option.

The problem is all the idiots that believe Autopilot does way more than that. Technically, the use of “Autopilot” was ok, I don’t disagree with Musk.  BUT, when they saw the number of idiots that didn’t understand, Tesla should have modified their messaging.


The pursuit of ever-greater wealth can easily become a disease for some people such that no one and nothing matters except making more money. Moroun is hardly the only, or worst, example.

How is the BMW lame? It took a vehicle that probably weighs as much as a Taycan and got +100 miles of range out of it, and is charging ~$100,000 less. It’s a strong seller in a market where people want crossovers.

My wife rarely ever asks about new cars. This morning, she saw the Bronco trending on Twitter, and asked how much they cost.


Lol. Came here to post exactly this. Glad I'm not the only one that saw the irony in that statement.

Erik's articles are garbage, just like Facebook. 

He doesn’t want what he wrote to be in his life.

I haven’t been active on Facebook for years because I want quality content in my life not viral garbage, so I’m happy automakers are now coming around to this view.

Down. With. Two. Party. System.

Won’t someone PLEASE think of the corporations and their stock price?

Cheap midwest real estate = more money left to spend on boats

You mean they squandered a few million dressing up a futuristic Silverado and the rest is vaporware??!?!?!

Half of me wants to say they won’t sell any with a grille that small (how will anyone know how big and tough I am?), but the other half says it’s prime real estate for something super macho like a wolf howling at the moon or nice big AR15 decal, with room left over for Calvin pissing on a Rivian logo.

Please let today be the day.