
I’m on here reading about cars as an escape.

May your travels not include the dealership service department.

That email cost them nothing and might buy them a little goodwill. Actually doing something about systemic racism is way harder, way more expensive and might not get you any glory at all, which is why CEO types stick to flowery emails.

I don’t like when people try to lump cops all in the “bad cop” category. At all.

But Minneapolis? They’ve known who Bob Kroll is for years, and the police keep him as their head. That’s saying that the majority of cops support him.

You’re not talking about “a few bad apples” now - you’re talking mostly bad apples.

Neutral, the recent events have only increased my love of cars seeing how any day could be your last. I realized my life is too short to settle for cars I don’t love. So I went and traded in my Lexus for a Giulia.

Basically we need that vaccine and fast.

That is not a motorcycle. That is a fast e-bike with a long range and pedal assist.

My current e-bike does about 30 mph and a 30 mile range. With pedal assist. 

Lol seriously. Travis Pastrana is the friend who is effortlessly more talented and better than you at everything, but doesn’t make you feel bad and is basically just a wholesome guy. 

The makers want there to be a uniform set of rules. Few makers put seat belts into cars until it was mandated because the slight difference in cost might affect sales. They didn’t care about the additional $10 in cost as long as every maker had to do the same. Same with airbags and other changes. 

Just don’t buy new Nissan, old ones are still great.

Are you kidding? Think of all the wrecks leaving the Cars & Croissants meets in Yurp. Total carnage.

I have never understood the Nissan/Renault tie up.  I would have thought the goal from the start was to leverage of one another. But that never happened.

This would immediately be the best looking Nissan sold in the US. Heck, badge it as an Infiniti if you need to, they don’t have much else going on, 

Clearly was a green shell.

In MBA school they teach you that money sitting around for a rainy day is a wasted revenue or growth opportunity for the shareholders. In their world every investment hits and current trends extend forever. And so this is what you get. CEOs only have to keep the balls up in the air for 5 years to vest all their stock

One year is about the right interval for new squeegees from my own experience. 

I don’t have an MBA, but it seems less like boards firing their most prominet employee to make a point and more like this is a great opportunity for boards who don’t love their CEOs to get rid of them. If the CEO has a good relationship with the board or holds a majority, a la Musk, then they should be fine.

It’s not as thought OEM’s are selling MORE trucks than any normal time, it’s just that they are selling MORE than anything else right now.  There won’t be a glut of trucks any more than there is any other time.