
Before even I was born, GM was the leader in design and the trend setter for the auto industry. It would be good to see the General go back to that.

As a GM employee, I’m in for all of this. It’s bold, it’s different, it’s risk taking, it’s unapologetic, it’s just straight up wild, and I love every bit of it

You know, that last debate (where they kept the audience OUT, due to the virus— which was a delight to watch without the non-stop applause and crowd reactions. It’s almost like substance suddenly mattered, not blasting viewers with pandering one-liners.) was the first time I realized how LITTLE Bernie and Daddio-Joe

It also involves some $433 million in loan forgiveness, including for customers who have had cars repossessed but still owe money to Santander.”

Still safer than the ol’ VW Widowmaker

As a Michigan resident, this shit is so embarrassing.  

But instead he acted like a fool. Do you think it worked?”

No, we will not have Mexico opening, we will close Mexico. I don’t think it’s coincidence that someone named Westbrook (sounds Spanish to me) is discussing Mexico. If Labrador Obra Din has a problem with that, he can feel the wrath of my tariffs and beautiful long words. It’s time Mexico started manufacturing

I have never before used this quote as often as I have in the last few months.

Beautiful car that has just the right balance of performance and reliability for a long-term DD. New enough to be safe and modern, old enough to be wrenchable and free of too many screens and electronic crap.

Unfortunately, that price is CP all the way. That will get you a Mazda6 that’s nearly 10 years newer, gets

Glad to hear service has kept up to usual standards.

not me. CP.

I’m extremely creeped out by these and I’m not sure a head, fake fur covering, or any other attempt to make them seem friendlier will help that. These disturb me at a cellular level that no disguise will abate.

It’s just how this stuff works. If you leave your house you’re also more likely to catch a cold, get the flu, get hit by a car, get challenged to a sword dual by your neighbor, just about anything. When the population leaves their controlled environments there will be more infections, but thankfully we'll have a

how about an electric cross-over called the Corvette BoltVolt

2 things. If they are taking decent precautions then good for them. I’m glad their are keeping the plant open. So there's now need to quarantine shame them.

What are you talking about? That’s a fantastic color.

Looks like part of a spring to me. those aren’t supposed to break.