American Kinja Warrior

“The old speak (and collect a paycheck)! Theaters are showing a new film, an UNNECESSARY SEQUEL with anvils of nostalgia from DR. ALAN GRANT and vapid charm from WHOEVER CHRIS PRATT IS PLAYING.

Agree. He can be an interesting enough character but he really needs others to work well. Morbius works well as a kind of mirror to Spiderman. He also works well with Blade or Hannibal King as a kind of good guy not-quite-a-vampire (honestly, a buddy movie with Morbius as the “living vampire” teaming up with Hannibal

Id rather this than the yachts to be honest. Every Grand Prix has their own influence and flavor. Why poorly imitate Monaco when the US can embrace the stereotype and flood the lake with gators and fan boats?!

I don’t mean this to sound how I’m sure it’ll sound, because I love me some Walton Goggins and think he’s a handsome man, but... holy shit, he kinda DOES look like a Fallout ghoul and I absolutely see him in that role.

The Z3 in Goldeneye was such a kick in the teeth, painfully blatant product placement specifically because it didn’t DO anything. It has all these cool features and the only thing they show it doing that a normal car doesn’t is a small screen popping up for radar scanning, what a waste. I don’t care what the

Oh man, the Wikipedia page for this thing is a thrill ride all on its own. At the very least, I’d watch a Fyre Festival-style documentary about the production.

Someday, somebody is going to go through a TV guide circa 1987 and just reboot every show listed on Thursdays

I’m worried they’re going to try to explain stuff, and that’s not going to go well.

Every time I see one of these that’s been “tastefully modified” I try to visualize how much the owner has hooned the everloving shit out of it.

Tipping the vending machine will NOT result in free product :p

Don’t watch his video, watch the video of guy scrutinizing his video.  

Getting some serious “Buy n Large” vibes from that first picture.

I would absolutely watch a movie about Belichick and the Patriots’ dynasty that had all the cadences and beats of a standard rousing sports movie, but all the big story moments are just Belichick and the franchise gloriously embracing ruthless amorality.

The film’s one good history joke—the casting of Tom Hollander in the triple role of King George V, Tsar Nicholas II, and Kaiser Wilhelm II—turns out to be a squandered stunt;


We need a new game here specifically for ads like this that look on the surface to be too good to be true.

Trying to figure who we could ask these very common questions to, I looked up the writer, who turned out to be a dude I hadn’t heard of named Jeffrey Boam, who took over writing Last Crusade after Spielberg and Lucas had already torn up four or five other writers and their respective screenplays.

I watched a bunch of episodes of the UK version of L&O and it’s amazing how the cop half of the show was basically lifted straight from the original episode (the UK version just remade US episodes, at least at first), and then they’d get to the Order half and it was just crazytown. 

Anyone want to bet that Dancy will be doing his American accent for this? I’m thinking it’s about 99.9... ah fuck it, 100% certain.

Sneakers. Not only was it eerily prescient about computer tech and its implications, how can you top:

Robert Redford
Sidney Poitier
Mary McDonnell
Dan Ackroyd
Ben Kingsley
David Strathairn
River Phoenix
James Earl Jones
Stephen Tobolowsky