American Kinja Warrior

I know this might be an unpopular answer but I think alcohol is only a good gift if you know that the person drinks, that they’re OK with their level of drinking and that they will actually drink what you’ve given them. I’ve had a few times in my life when I’ve tried to curtail my drinking. When I turned 40 I was

That baby has racked up an insurmountable amount of debt and went a couple rounds playing Fronthand/Backhand with The Recruiter, so I would place your bets carefully.

A baby would be terrible in the Squid Game.  They fucking suck at “Red Light/Green Light”.  Most can’t even walk yet and those that can have no control on their ability to stop 

Yep. “Oh yeah, this plane burned Chuck Yeager’s face off in his prime. You’ll be fine after some orientation though”.

Jameela Jamil as Ensign Ascencia

TIL that the Iron Age in Northern Europe lasted all the way until 800 AD.

I really want to believe that someone went in to trade their Aventador for like, 40 new Rio’s.

This is reminiscent of coded-aperture imaging, where one gathers information on an object based upon its shadow falling on a mathematically-coded mask. One applies a mathematical transformation to the resulting shadow (like an inverse Fourier transform, if you want to think of it that way) to reconstruct the form of

I hope no one knows who I am through my kinja account. The last thing my constituents need is more ammunition against their Prime Minister. 

Bioshock would have been a more interesting game if they’d done what Levine wanted to and made doing the morally right thing harder (where you’d be forgoing Adam by saving the little girls rather than harvest them), rather than roughly equivalent. Apparently the publisher didn’t think that players would try to save

I would have enjoyed Bioshock so much more if it had been an adventure game.

The case of Bioshock is really weird because there are hundreds of fps (or Deus ex like) narrative games, but this one feels like an adventure game where the puzzles were removed to replace them with shooting (it reminds a lot of Morpheus... Well, Cryostasis was actually the arcade Morpheus but anyway). The

Ugh. More bullshit with hot-air balloons. They did not use hot-air balloons in the book. It was trains and steamships, and briefly, elephants, all the way.

1- Respect (Aretha Franklin)

“Well pardner, looks to be high noon - ‘spose I better mosey myself on over to algebra class.”

Flo was a free DLC character for ModNation Racers! That synergy really lifted both ships.

Brunch scene: 

You do not like Green Squares of Scam?

I would not eat them on a dare,

“There’s something very important we need to do as soon as possible.”