American Kinja Warrior

Reporter: Thanos, your children failed to acquire the Mind Stone, any comment?

My then 6-year old daughter declaring that Infinity War was “the worst movie I’ve ever seen” after the super-downer ending, then proceeding to obsess for the next year over how the story was going to end, was one of my favorite movie-related experiences of my life. Not to re-litigate this old argument again, but I

I refuse to believe this. Sonny Chiba cannot die, he has merely gone to seek out his last revenge.

So you could say that his behaviour was...

I think Sexy Crash and Racist Crash should be canon now.

They could very easily start by re-making all the now-classics, but with LGBTQ leads. Body Heat was made like 37 years after Double Indemnity, and this year marks 40 years since Body Heat, so it’s not like it’d be too soon or something.

Don’t Breathe 2:  Hating to Exhale

You know what this feels like? It feels like liberal arts college departmental politics.

The theater department gets troubling reports about an older tenured male professor concerning interactions with students and staff, and instead of firing his ass, the college asks HIM which classes he would feel most comfortable

Did anyone else think that this headline meant there was going to be a White Russian flavor?

Cummins 6BT
Power a car! Power a truck! Power a boat! Fuckit power a building! Cummins 6BT.

It’s pretty clear ever since the KFC Famous Bowl aka Failure Pile aka Sadness Bowl that America’s culinary destiny is hurtling toward an inevitable black hole wherein every unhealthy element of the nation’s food culture — fast food, fried food, massive portions — would glom together and collapse in on itself.

It also annoys me that they’re heavily implying that she wrote the song, when it was an Otis Redding cover.

If the engineers are feeling cautiously optimistic, it probably mostly means they haven’t run out of things they can try on the pad yet. If they run out of option son the pad, the mood will get a lot glummer, since it’ll almost certainly mean hoisting Starliner off the rocket to roll back to the assembly building (in

Elefantenrennen” is the greatest thing I learned this week.

With Hoth and Faux-Hoth they were almost halfway to a Margarita. Hopefully one of the Disney+ spin-offs will give us the Lime, Triple Sec and Tequila planets.

So that’s why he’s called Winnie the Pooh.

Well, unless there’s an Imperial Checkpoint at the boarding station, Space Evan Williams is 24 bucks for a gallon and I’m pretty sure your Space Flask would go fairly unnoticed.

Booze is NOT included at that price? GTFOOH.